Success Is Most Often Achieved By Those Who Don't Know That Failure Is Inevitable Meaning

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How can the answer be improved? 1) On your keyboard, press the Windows logo key and R at the same time to invoke the Run box. 2) Type services.msc and press Enter to open the Services window. 3) Click DNS Client, then Restart. Windows 10 site cannot be reached. Dec 11, 2018  Let me add that most sites open just fine. But one ( sometimes opens, sometimes comes back with “This site can’t be reached.” Or sometimes it opens (it’s like the old TV Guide for OTA shows in my area) but when I change the time to later in the day, bam, “This site can’t be reached.”. Oct 14, 2018  When a website fails to load due to the server taking too much time to reply your request, Chrome will show This webpage is not available ERRCONNECTIONTIMEDOUT or This site cannot be reached ERRCONNECTIONTIMEDOUT. Jul 21, 2016  Error: 'Hmm, we can't reach this page' while trying to access websites on Microsoft Edge, Windows 10. On my Windows 10 desktop, Microsoft Edge cannot reach some https websites, especially banking sites.

'Success is most often achieved by those who don't know that failure is inevitable.' - Coco Chanel 'Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.' Success is most often achieved by those who don’t know that failure is inevitable. – Coco Chanel Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. “Success is most often achieved by those who don't know that failure is inevitable.” ― Coco Chanel, Believing in Ourselves: The Wisdom of Women tags: attitudes, belief, confidence, failure, self-confidence, success.

Quotes tagged as 'success' Showing 31-60 of 10,045
“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.”
tags: bravery, decisiveness, failure, inaction, success, timidity

“A thinker sees his own actions as experiments and questions--as attempts to find out something. Success and failure are for him answers above all.”
tags: failure, intelligence, science, scientific-process, success, truth

“A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and gets to bed at night, and in between he does what he wants to do.”

“There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the true essence of beauty.”
tags: be-yourself, beauty, body-image, comfortable, happiness, imperfection, inspirational, life, rare, success, women

“Success is most often achieved by those who don't know that failure is inevitable.”
tags: attitudes, belief, confidence, failure, self-confidence, success

“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.”
tags: achievement, challenge, failure, success, trying

“If you try and lose then it isn't your fault. But if you don't try and we lose, then it's all your fault.”
tags: hard-work, inaction, just-do-it, success, team

“Kites rise highest against the wind, not with it.”

“At the end of the day, let there be no excuses, no explanations, no regrets.”
tags: appreciation, excuses, gratitude, inspirational, life, motivational, no-regrets, seize-the-day, success

“Keep your best wishes, close to your heart and watch what happens”
tags: abundance, balance, better, book, change, empowerment, expression, freedom, fulfillment, fun, greater, happiness, health, help, hope, improvement, joy, life, love, meditation, money, more, peace, perfect, power, relaxation, self, self-expression, self-help-book, self-improvement-book, self-realization, success, wealth, your

“I don't care if you're black, white, straight, bisexual, gay, lesbian, short, tall, fat, skinny, rich or poor. If you're nice to me, I'll be nice to you. Simple as that.”
tags: advice, kindness, leadership, love, management, people, respect, success

Success Is Most Often Achieved By Those Meaning

“Make a pact with yourself today to not be defined by your past. Sometimes the greatest thing to come out of all your hard work isn't what you get for it, but what you become for it. Shake things up today! Be You..Be Free..Share.”
tags: action, authenticity, gratitude, hard-work, inspirational, life, life-lessons, motivational, success

“Never stop dreaming,
never stop believing,
never give up,
never stop trying, and
never stop learning.”
tags: believe, inspiration, inspirational, inspirational-attitude, inspirational-life, inspirational-quotes, inspire, inspiring, learning, life, life-and-living, life-lessons, life-quotes, living, motivation, motivational, never-give-up, never-stop-believing, never-stop-dreaming, never-stop-learning, never-stop-trying, optimism, optimistic, positive, positive-affirmation, positive-life, positive-thinking, success

“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”

“The biggest challenge after success is shutting up about it.”
tags: achievement, arrogance, bragging, challenges, ego, envy, fame, humility, humor, money, rich, silence, success, wealth, words-of-wisdom

“When you show yourself to the world and display your talents, you naturally stir all kinds of resentment, envy, and other manifestations of insecurity.. you cannot spend your life worrying about the petty feelings of others”

“Over the years, I have come to realize that the greatest trap in our life is not success, popularity, or power, but self-rejection. Success, popularity, and power can indeed present a great temptation, but their seductive quality often comes from the way they are part of the much larger temptation to self-rejection. When we have come to believe in the voices that call us worthless and unlovable, then success, popularity, and power are easily perceived as attractive solutions. The real trap, however, is self-rejection. As soon as someone accuses me or criticizes me, as soon as I am rejected, left alone, or abandoned, I find myself thinking, 'Well, that proves once again that I am a nobody.' .. [My dark side says,] I am no good.. I deserve to be pushed aside, forgotten, rejected, and abandoned. Self-rejection is the greatest enemy of the spiritual life because it contradicts the sacred voice that calls us the 'Beloved.' Being the Beloved constitutes the core truth of our existence.”
tags: beloved, christianity, faith, feelings, identity, rejection, self, spiritual-life, spiritual-warfare, success, temptation, truth

“Do not let arrogance go to your head and despair to your heart; do not let compliments go to your head and criticisms to your heart; do not let success go to your head and failure to your heart.”
tags: arrogance, compliment, criticism, despair, failure, heart, inspiration, inspirational, inspirational-attitude, inspirational-life, inspirational-quotes, inspire, inspiring, life, life-and-living, life-lessons, life-quotes, living, motivation, motivational, optimism, optimistic, positive, positive-affirmation, positive-life, positive-thinking, success

“If you hang out with chickens, you're going to cluck and if you hang out with eagles, you're going to fly.”
tags: accountability, friends, inspirational, life, motivational, purpose, responsibility, success

“Supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.”

“The biggest wall you have to climb is the one you build in your mind: Never let your mind talk you out of your dreams, trick you into giving up. Never let your mind become the greatest obstacle to success. To get your mind on the right track, the rest will follow.”
tags: dream, dreams, dreams-quotes, inspiration, inspirational, inspirational-attitude, inspirational-life, inspirational-quotes, inspire, inspiring, life, life-and-living, life-lessons, life-quotes, living, mind, mind-quotes, motivation, motivational, obstacle, optimism, optimistic, positive, positive-affirmation, positive-life, positive-thinking, success, success-quotes

“Renew, release, let go. Yesterday’s gone. There’s nothing you can do to bring it back. You can’t “should’ve” done something. You can only DO something. Renew yourself. Release that attachment. Today is a new day!”
tags: action, attachment, change, inspirational, letting-go, life, live-now, motivational, success, today

“We are all failures- at least the best of us are.”
tags: failure, learning, moving-on, self-criticism, success

“Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.”

“Forget yesterday - it has already forgotten you. Don't sweat tomorrow - you haven't even met. Instead, open your eyes and your heart to a truly precious gift - today.”
tags: appreciation, change, gratitude, inspirational, life, live-now, motivational, success, today

“The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will.”

“I've come to believe that each of us has a personal calling that's as unique as a fingerprint - and that the best way to succeed is to discover what you love and then find a way to offer it to others in the form of service, working hard, and also allowing the energy of the universe to lead you. ”

“In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure. ”

“Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing.”

“A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal.”
tags: action, blessings, compassion, generosity, giving, helping-others, kindness, life, success

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The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.

Gabrielle Bonheur 'Coco' Chanel (19 August1883 – 10 January1971 was a pioneering French fashion designer whose modernist philosophy, menswear-inspired fashions, and pursuit of expensive simplicity made her an important figure in 20th-century fashion. She was the founder of the famous fashion brand Chanel.


In 1919 I woke up famous and with a new friend who was to give its full meaning to my success.
In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.
I have said that black has it all. White too. Their beauty is absolute. It is the perfectharmony.
  • He will soon be claiming that the Resistance has liberated the world
    • On Charles De Gaulle during 1944 interview with, the then MI6 agent, Malcolm Muggeridge. Read the full interview here.
  • There is nothing more comfortable than a caterpillar and nothing more made for love than a butterfly. We need dresses that crawl and dresses that fly. Fashion is at once a caterpillar and a butterfly, caterpillar by day, butterfly by night
    • Statement in the 1920s as quoted in Chanel (1987) by Jean Leymari
  • Fashion is made to become unfashionable.
    • As quoted in LIFE magazine (1957)
  • How many cares one loses when one decides not to be something, but to be someone.
    • As quoted in Contemporary Quotations‎ (1954) by James Beasley Simpson
  • In 1919 I woke up famous. I'd never guessed it. If I'd known I was famous, I'd have stolen away and wept. I was stupid. I was supposed to be intelligent. I was sensitive and very dumb.
    • As quoted in Coco Chanel : Her Life, Her Secrets (1971), p. 95
    • In 1919 I woke up famous and with a new friend who was to give its full meaning to my success.
      • Statement to Salvador Dalí, about herself and her friendship with Misia Sert, as quoted in The Persistence of Memory : A Biography of Dali (1992) by Meredith Etherington-Smith
  • Youth is something very new: Twenty years ago no one mentioned it.
    • As quoted in Coco Chanel : Her Life, Her Secrets (1971)
  • Fashion is architecture. It is a matter of proportions.
    • As quoted in Coco Chanel : Her Life, Her Secrets (1971) by Marcel Haedrich
  • Nothing is ugly as long as it is alive.
    • As quoted in Coco Chanel : Her Life, Her Secrets (1971) by Marcel Haedrich
  • In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.
    • As quoted in Coco Chanel : Her Life, Her Secrets (1971) by Marcel Haedrich
  • As long as you know that most men are like children, you know everything.
    • As quoted in Thinking Through the Essay (1986) by Judith Barker-Sandbrook and Neil Graham, p. 158
  • Women think of all colors except the absence of color. I have said that black has it all. White too. Their beauty is absolute. It is the perfect harmony.
    • As quoted in Chanel (1987) by Jean Leymarie
  • Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.
    • As quoted in Chanel : A Woman of Her Own (1991) by Axel Madsen, p. 124
  • Success is often achieved by those who don't know that failure is inevitable.
    • As quoted in Believing in Ourselves (1992) by Armand Eisen, p. 15
  • The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.
    • As quoted in Believing in Ourselves (1992) by Armand Eisen, p. 39
  • Fashion fades, only style remains the same.
    • As quoted in Architectural Digest (September 1994), p. 30
  • Don't spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door.
    • As quoted in You've Got Style : Your Personal Guide for Relating to Others‎ (2000) by Robert Rohm , p. 29
  • Ask me who I don't dress!
    • When asked who she dressed, as quoted in Paris, Paris : Journey Into the City of Light‎ (2005) by David Downie, p. 93
  • I was a rebellious child, a rebellious lover, a rebellious couturière — a real devil.
    • As quoted in Paris, Paris : Journey Into the City of Light‎ (2005) by David Downie, p. 93
  • A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.
    • As quoted in The Gospel According to Coco Chanel : Life Lessons from the World's Most Elegant Woman (2009) by Karen Karbo
Success Is Most Often Achieved By Those Who Don
  • The best colour in the whole world is the one that looks good on you.
    • As quoted in Beauty in Bloom : A Collection of Beautiful Inspirations‎ (2009) by Natalie Bloom, p. 23

Quotes about Chanel[edit]

  • Chanel, General De Gaulle and Picasso are the three most important figures of our time.
    • André Malraux, as quoted in Paris, Paris : Journey Into the City of Light‎ (2005) by David Downie, p. 87
  • Throughout her long life, Chanel moved between two worlds, one real the other imaginary. Unloved, she lived for love. Despite her countless conquests, from English noblemen to Russian dukes, she spent years alone, work her only solace.
    • David Downie, in Paris, Paris : Journey Into the City of Light‎. (2005), p. 87
  • Despite the work of a dozen biographers … Chanel remains an enigma.
    • David Downie, in Paris, Paris : Journey Into the City of Light‎ (2005), p. 88

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