Empire Total War Keeps Crashing

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Tirailleurs (ETW unit)

  1. Empire Total War Keeps Crashing

Empire Total War Keeps Crashing

I have about a year ago the game Empire: Total War bought. It worked perfectly the first few days and then it would no longer run. Now I've been waiting a while the possibly comes a new patch out. Now I have recently re-installed it and it still does not work. I've tried all the things that were in various forums, updated drivers, and so on. I've also tried to run in compatibility mode. Title is fixed. Please try to make a useful title next time. I'm betting (based on the specs) that you bought a pre-built system from a computer store.

Category: Infantry
Class: Light Infantry
Men: 20 / 40 / 60 / 80
Range: 125
Accuracy: 70
Reloading skill: 35
Ammunition: 20
Melee attack: 7
Charge bonus: 8
Defence: 7
Morale: 7
Turns to train: 2
Recruitment cost: 960
Upkeep cost: 240
Machined Rifling
Building (minimum level)

Army Board

Light infantry forces form a skirmish line to slow the enemy advance and keep their own line unmolested by enemy skirmishers.

Whether they are called light infantry, jaegers, tirailleurs or chasseurs à pied, it is the job of these men to screen the main battle line, harass the enemy and, if possible, pick off important men in the enemy’s ranks. Unlike their fellows in the line infantry, light infantrymen are trained to think for themselves, use the ground and cover intelligently, and not fight in rigid lines. Instead, they form a loose skirmish line and fire independently at their own designated targets. The effect is a constant, low-level barrage rather than the crashing thunder of a volley but the effect is quite deadly as officers and sergeants are picked off and removed from the fight. Against cavalry, however, their best defence is to withdraw to their own battle line.

Historically, the Austrians were widely regarded as producing the finest light infantry forces in Europe. Other nations did catch up, but in the case of Britain and France it was their experiences in fighting in North America that persuaded them of the wisdom of light troops. Battle lines were simply impossible to manage in the dense woodlands, and largely pointless against the native tribes!


Can guard
Can hide in buildings
Can hide in light scrub
Can hide in long grass
Can hide in woodland
Can skirmish
Good stamina
Grappling hooks

Technological abilities

Can place stakes
Chevaux de frise
Improved fougasse
Light infantry tactics
Volley fire

Available for:

Unit is available when controlling the region of France.

External links

Retrieved from ‘https://wiki.totalwar.com/index.php?title=Tirailleurs_(ETW_unit)&oldid=18415’
Topic Subject:Game keeps crashing...
posted 06-10-10 08:47 ET (US)
The game runs fine for ages, but whenever i go to the advisors it crashes without fail. Is there some way to fix this?
Thanks in advanced!!
posted 06-10-10 20:36 ET (US) 1 / 7
Welcome to Caesar IV Heaven Elaria.
Is your game version 1.2? You can see the version number in the top right hand corner of the main menu screen.
Also the interface settings can make a difference. How are the 'Message Pausing Options' set? Try ticking these options to stop the game pausing when a message occurs.
If you have the boxed retail version of the game you can get the 1.2 patch from here. I think the first is the UK English patch and the second is the US English patch.
If this doesn't work, then it might be your video card. What video card do you have?
posted 09-14-10 17:47 ET (US) 2 / 7
This is happening to me too! I never had this problem when my computer was running Vista, but since upgrading to Windows 7, this happens EVERY time I open the advisors panel! I installed the patch, so I'm using version 1.2, and it is still happening.
Thank you for helping!!
posted 09-16-10 01:24 ET (US) 3 / 7
Welcome Iluvus.
This might be because you are using a different driver for your video card now that you have installed Windows 7. What video card do you have? Can you find a newer driver on the video card manufacturer's website?
posted 09-16-10 15:11 ET (US) 4 / 7
Hello I'm having similar problems too and can't figure out why. A computer tech said our computer is running appropriately with no problems, but when I get the game going, it doesn't take five minutes before the entire computer freezes up. I made it to Cathargo (I think is spelling) but can't even get started removing buildings. I think I remember a couple freezes in the scenario before Cathargo, but now it's just awful. Like as soon as I pause the game to get moving the entire computer locks up. I have updated the 1.2 patch and my husband says this computer is using Vista. The game drivers, etc have been updated as well. The cookies, cache, etc have been cleared. What is going on?! I have a great 'game plan' for this scenario and am anxious to get started again =/ Help! This is my 'me time' wind down after all the kids are in bed haha
Thanks very much
posted 09-16-10 17:47 ET (US) 5 / 7
Welcome Fitzaddict.
From the main menu, select Settings and try setting the Video to Best Performance.
Maybe the video card does not meet the minimum requirements for the game. Is your computer a notebook? What is the video card in your computer?
posted 09-17-10 08:18 ET (US) 6 / 7
Not a notebook, it's a desktop. GForce 7600S
posted 09-18-10 05:27 ET (US) 7 / 7
Do you mean 7600 GS? That should be OK for running the game. Have you tried changing the game video settings to 'Best Performance'?
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