Simple Slavery Mod Skyrim

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Skyrim Flora Overhaul

SKyrim : Femboy Race mod

By Bc4life, a year ago
So Ive create a femboy Race Mod for skyrim which took quite a bit to make.
For those who still play skyrim or like modding skyrim : 3
Since Im uncertain of FA linking policy all I will say is the mod can be found in:
Mod name :Femboy reborn



User replies

  • lucario515

#link Posted: a year ago

  • Bc4life

#link Posted: a year ago

Please try again, by redownloading it.
I think the first issue was the way I named the data folder.
Instead of naming it 'Data' I named it'data' and since it was in low cap it probably was messing it up.
If it still does not work. Manual is the way to go for now.
  • Chakat_Stripedfur

#link Posted: a year ago

  • Bc4life

#link Posted: a year ago

Sadly no,maybe in the future, but right now the player as acces to human and elf parts.
So you can roleplay link, gettin butted by evil bandits
  • Chakat_Stripedfur

#link Posted: a year ago

Awww. I haz a sad. :< Oh well, that's something to look forward too! ^^

#link Posted: a year ago

Well it is alot of work. imagine converting and editing over 100armors XD
You will wanted to take time off there n there lol.
  • Chakat_Stripedfur

#link Posted: a year ago

True, but there's already plenty of female armor mods out there, so getting the meshes from those shouldn't be too difficult, unless it's more complicated than that (I don't know, I'm not a modder).
Either way, you said it's something that could be a possibility in the future, so I look forward to that! ^^ (Khajiit are totally my waifu/husbando race of the game)

#link Posted: a year ago

Well here some food for though I spend all of 3 days in a row. to edit skyrim armor to fit the body, then an extra 3 day to port them into the game....Difficult no.
Long work. Yes.
  • Chakat_Stripedfur

#link Posted: a year ago

Oh I know, it's time consuming (I tried my hand at something similar, once. Took me all day just to make a simple complete weapon skin). I was just saying that, if you ever did decide to make a mod for the Khajiit race, it would be something I'd look forward to. ^^

#link Posted: a year ago

Well is done. The femboy Khajiit is create (not up yet)
Ill be play testing it for a bit then convert all of the tera armor before releasing it.
  • Chakat_Stripedfur

#link Posted: a year ago

Wow, that was quick! Don't push yourself too much, though, okay?

#link Posted: a year ago

Ive spent a chunk of my weekend on it.
Nah no worries, ill push myself a bit. The mod been out for 2 days, and already got people asking 'where the follower' 'can we get this' 'etc etc'.
I get it people get excited, just bleh x.x, so want kick those objective out of way , that way i have less of same question/filling my inbox.
  • Chakat_Stripedfur

#link Posted: a year ago

Can't wait to hop onto NexusMods and download it, although I'll have to remember it's for the regular Skyrim, and not the Special Edition. I have both (I bought the original as part of a box-set with all the others [1-4], so when the Special Edition came out on Steam I got it for free), though SKSE is kinda wasted on me, as I had already downloaded various 'upgrades' to the original (better graphics, updated HUD, etc.), so the original was already almost exactly the same as SKSE.
I hope I didn't come across as too much of a pushy jerk, or anything. x3 I just read your announcement and thought 'Ooooh! I wonder if there's a Khajiit mod for it?!' as Khajiit are my go-to race for anything Elder Scrolls. Although I've also played a Dark Elf before.

#link Posted: a year ago

The mod isnt on nexusmod. Is in loverslab.
  • Chakat_Stripedfur

#link Posted: a year ago

Well, LoversLab also has some mods on NexusMod, so I didn't know. ^^ I'll check to see if they made it available there, if not I'll have to try the main site.

#link Posted: a year ago

I have full control of my mod, so no it wont be there.
Loverslab dont own the mods that people make it.
If it was on the nexus it would have been stolen and upload there.
  • Chakat_Stripedfur

#link Posted: a year ago

Ah, okay, I see. Yeah I just checked at NexusMods and it wasn't there. I found the LoversLab page it's on, so I'll keep checking back periodically for updates and such. =3

#link Posted: a year ago

You can click follow mod to get notification.
  • Chakat_Stripedfur

#link Posted: a year ago

  • Bc4life

#link Posted: a year ago

  • Bc4life

#link Posted: a year ago

Femboy Khajiit support is now out.
The mod now features the Khajiit femboy as a playable race.
  • Chakat_Stripedfur

#link Posted: a year ago

  • Bc4life

#link Posted: a year ago

  • Chakat_Stripedfur

#link Posted: a year ago

That's fine, I'm just anxious to get my sexy Khajiit femboy sub up and running! ^^ I'll be downloading all the required stuff momentarily, I'll let you know how it works out. =3

#link Posted: a year ago

good to hear. ^^

#link Posted: a year ago

Okay well I managed to get it installed, but now poses a new problem: the race itself doesn't appear on the race menu at all.

#link Posted: a year ago

Did you toggle the plugin with either NMM or skyrim laucher Plugin Tab?

#link Posted: a year ago

Of course, it does it automatically when mods are installed.

#link Posted: a year ago

Did you launch your skyrim VIA skse?
And also to be good, you are using the regular skyrim? Not the special edition?

#link Posted: a year ago

Indeed I am. The SE isn't really worth it on PC, and I have a lot of mods that require SKSE to work anyway, so yeah.

#link Posted: a year ago

I wouldnt know then ... :/
Did you download all required mod?
Cause honestly it should be a starting race

#link Posted: a year ago

Well somehow it managed to finally work! Dunno what I did or if I even did anything at all, but it's working. Really nice work! Such a sexy body shape, mph.

#link Posted: a year ago

Finally XD
Have fun, already got some an update in the work.

#link Posted: a year ago

that's great!
What you could try is adding bodyslide data, or allowing for greater facial customization like lip size. I look forward to seeing this mod develop!

#link Posted: a year ago

Um...that what menu is for owo' (there literally lips size sliders for itn for thickness n everything)

#link Posted: a year ago

Well this one doesn't seem to use the SUPER indepth stuff, from what I could see. But yeah, it's still alpha, so I look forward to it either way. I've gotta find more twintail hair mods though, omg

#link Posted: a year ago

It uses the most recent race menu setting.
Face customization all rellies on what other mod you use.
So if dont use any other face asset mod for a certain gender, you will just get the vanilla assets.

#link Posted: a year ago

Are you going to ask someone to patch it to Skyrim Special Edition?

#link Posted: a year ago

I will once skse is out of alpha.
Since the race require racemenu.

#link Posted: a year ago

There is a trick to making SKSE64 work, here:

#link Posted: a year ago

IS out in alpha but still remains, racemenu hasn't been ported to my knowledge and SOS (not using sos light). Which the mod requires.

#link Posted: a year ago

I don't play Skyrim, may I see a snapshot? :3

#link Posted: a year ago

Sure just go to my mod page on loverslab, you can see some screenshot of it over there. ^^
The mod name is 'femboy reborn'.

Connecting your mod to Simple Slavery Sending the player to Simple Slavery is really easy - just stick in this code (provided by the very kind and enthusiastic DocClox): sendModEvent('SSLV Entry') Or, if you don't want to muck about with modevents, just unequip the player and transfer her/him to sslvcagemark2. Skyrim: Simple Baseline Gameplay Mod Suite. For PC Legendary Edition (LE) Mission. To set a universal consistent mod list that I can recommend to readers of my builds, as well as to current and prospective builders moving forward — a list designed for a more diverse and engaging gameplay experience.