New Vegas Armor And Clothing

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  1. Fallout New Vegas Unique Armor And Clothing
  2. New Vegas Armor Repair

Fallout New Vegas, NCR Veteran Ranger Armor. Nov 22, 2010 #1 or as some know him: 'that cool looking dude on the front cover of the new vegas game' pretty fond of the design of this guy, so i decided to try my hand at making the best i can for him. Elite showcase! Well for those who want a spoiler, here what the. Fallout New Vegas Unique Armor and Clothing Locations. Hey guys, I recently posted a thread showing the locations of all the unique weapons in New Vegas. Here's the other half, the unique armor locations. Hope you guys enjoy! Like x 2; Quazimofo, Apr 22, 2011. Quazimofo, Apr 22, 2011 #1. Similar Threads. Fallout New Vegas: Armor and Clothes. This mod replaces all of Skyrim Armor and Clothes with UNPB versions, all armor and clothing has been reshaped to match the UNPB body shape and belly weights were added to all clothes and a few the armors that has the belly exposed. Breast and butt weights were not added for armors. A few shoes h.

Depends on the build:

The best guns are:

Riot Shotgun: It’s versatile (Specially if GRA ammo is involved), and is affected by both the Shotgun Surgeon and the And Stay Back perks, allowing it to ignore a decent amount of armor in most enemies and also allows it to knock most enemies down.

Fallout New Vegas Unique Armor And Clothing

Medicine Stick (GRA): The most powerful lever-action weapon in the entire game. If coupled with Cowboy and Hand Loader, it becomes powerful enough to replace most other weapons.

Anti-Materiel Rifle: Apart from the expensive ammo, it is both accurate and very hard-hitting. The GRA variant also has various mods that compensate for it’s various weaknesses.

Bozar (GRA): As in Fallout 2, it uses common ammo and has high DPS.

A Light Shining in Darkness: Easily the best, or at least one of the best handguns in the game, due to common ammo, high DPS, and light weight. This generally makes it a highly effective sidearm.

12.7 mm SMG: Relatively light in comparison to other automatic 2-handed weapons, and, at close range, can deal high DPS, specially against low-DT enemies such as Tunellers if Hollow Point ammunition is used.

This Machine: Has high DPS and fire rate, while still dealing rather high damage, making it an effective mid-range weapon, specially as it can be obtained relatively early on.

Energy weapons:

Usu sterling scholar scholarships. Holorifle: Has damage comparable to the Anti-Materiel Rifle, while being lighter, firing faster, and using cheaper ammo that is shared by other weapons. However, it has more spread and slower shots. The only catch is that ammo for it is relatively limited in the Sierra Madre, and that you have to complete the Dead Money DLC in order to use the Holorifle in the Mojave.

Plasma Caster: Deals high damage per hit, and fires decently fast. The only catch is that finding it is difficult, as is repairing it, with the game having only one placed in the game world, and only rarely appearing in vendor inventories (DLCs make it easier to obtain, as OWB and LR both have enemies that can spawn with it).

LAER: Deals similar damage per shot and DPS as the Plasma Caster, but is lighter and has a larger mag.

Elijah’s Advanced LAER: Breaks more quickly than the LAER (It IS the single weapon with the lowest HP in the entire game) and has a smaller mag (Still larger than the Plasma Caster), but fires somewhat faster and is among the few unique weapons that can use Modifications. Notably, the Prismatic Lens mod increases the damage of the EALAER without splitting it’s beam in 3, making it more useful against more heavily-armored enemies.

YCS/186: Deals the highest damage per shot in the entire game, and is fount early on. It is also more ammo-afficient than the normal Gauss Rifle, and is easier to obtain as well.

All Tesla Cannons: They deal high damage and fire rather quickly for their damage, while also being lighter than other similarly-powerful weapons. Both unique variants are even more powerful: Elijah’s Jury-Rigged Tesla Cannon is the fastest-firing and is one of the few weapons without any spread at all, but also the least ammo efficient, as it uses up more ammo per shot (Althrough the amount of shots before reloading isn’t decreased), while the Tesla-Beaton Prototype deals the most damage per shot of the 3 and is also the most energy-efficient, while also having the highest mag size of the 3 variants.

Compliance Regulator: Deals pathetic damage, but can stun ANY enemy on a critical hit, including Ulysses, Colonel Royez, and Gaius Magnus, who are otherwise inmune to being knocked down.

MF Hyperbreeder Alpha: Has infinite ammo and is more powerful than most other energy weapons.

New vegas power armor


New Vegas Armor Repair

Red Glare: Automatic rocket launcher. All the mods can be found early on in the LR DLC, and the weapon itself is also easy to find.

Esther (GRA): Like the GRA Fat Mans, it can use GRA Mini-Nukes, making it unusually versatile, and more viable because it’s ammo can be bought.

Satchel Charge: The most powerful mine in the game, and it also has a low crafting cost and fast fuse.

MFC Cluster: Very effective at crippling enemies, specially if several are thrown in quick sucession. It’s also very cheap.

Melee Weapons:

Bumper Sword: Can deal a lot of damage and it’s spceial attack can knock enemies down.

Blade of the West: A stronger Bumber Sword that is also more common.

Protonic Inversal Axe: The most powerful melee weapon against robots. Even on normal enemies, it still deals decent damage.

Blood-Nap: The most powerful knife in the entire game.

War Club: Deals high damage and has low skill requirements, so it is very useful as a secondary weapon.

Thermic Lance: Deals high DPS and ignores armor.


Ballistic Fist: Deals the highest Unarmed damage per hit in the game.

Industrial Hand: Ignores armor and has higher DPS than the Ballistic Fist.

Fist of Rawr: Has higher DPS than the Ballistic Fist, but not as much as the Industrial Hand, but has higher critical damage, crit chance, and double limb damage.

Fis tof the North Rawr: Full upgrade over the Fist of Rawr. While it has the exact same stats, it’s name is a reference to “Fist of the North Star”, which inherently makes it better. The only drawback is that it requires Wild Wasteland.