Star Wars Jedi Shaak Ti

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  1. Star Wars Shaak
  2. Star Wars Jedi Book

Reference Book: Star Wars Saga Edition Force Unleashed Campaign Guide

Affiliations: The Jedi, The Galactic Republic

This Togruta Jedi Master and influential member of the Jedi Council served with distinction as a Jedi High General during the Clone Wars. The Jedi revere Shaak Ti as one of the highest of their Order and among the most accomplished in Lightsaber combat. Unfortunately for her, nothing could save her from Palpatine's treachery.

Star Wars Shaak

Shaak Ti was a female Togruta Jedi Master, hailing from the planet Shili, who replaced Yaddle as a member of the Jedi High Council in 26 BBY.Indeed, Master Ti was one of the last remaining members of the Jedi Council, serving before, during and after the Clone Wars.This Togruta Jedi Master and influential member of the Jedi Council served with distincion as one of the few High Jedi Generals. Shaak Ti is a Togruta Jedi Master and one of the main characters who appeared in the Star Wars universe. She is portrayed by Orli Shoshan in the live-action films and voiced by Tasia Valenza in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Shaak was born Force-sensitive on the planet Shili. At a very young age. There, she struggled to balance the necessity of producing capable troopers with compassion for the Clones as living beings. Ti helped defend Kamino against Separatist attacks while balancing her assignments in the field with her duties on the Jedi Council.” Shaak Ti. Light Side, Jedi, Support, Healer, Tank.

She narrowly survived the carnage of Order 66 and fled to Felucia. She searched the planet for any signs of other Jedi who managed to escape, and ultimately disappeared into the wilderness to flee from Imperial forces and find a safe haven.

The Jedi Master struggled to survive in Felucia's harsh environment and eventually made contact with the native population living amid the dense fungi jungles. She established a rapport with the Force-sensitive Felucians and began training their shamans in specific powers to help them oppose the Imperial troops and minions of Vader that are hunting down The Jedi and seeking to eradicate the native Force-users on the planet.

During this time, Shaak Ti's new apprentice Maris Brood begins experimenting with The Force on her own and starts down the path toward The Dark Side. Her efforts to train the Felucians, her concern for Maris Brood's divergence from the Jedi path, and the constant struggle to remain hidden distract Shaak Ti when one of Vader's Jedi hunters appears and destroys her, leaving her Padawan and the Felucians to their own devices.

Shaak Ti Statistics (CL 14) Edit

Medium TogrutaJedi 8/Jedi Knight 4/Jedi Master 2

Force Points: 6

Initiative: +14; Senses:Perception +10

Languages: Basic, Togruti, 1 Unassigned

Defenses Edit

Reflex Defense: 29 (Flat-Footed: 27), Fortitude Defense: 27, Will Defense: 30; Block, Deflect

Hit Points: 140, Damage Threshold: 27

Immune: Fear effects

Offense Edit

Speed: 6 Squares; Running Attack

Melee:Unarmed +17 (1d4+8)

Melee: Lightsaber +20 (2d8+10)

Melee: Lightsaber +18 (3d8+10) with Rapid Strike

Melee: Lightsaber +15 (2d8+10) and Lightsaber +15 (2d8+10) with Double Attack

Ranged: By Weapon +18

Base Attack Bonus: +16, Grab: +18

Attack Options:Acrobatic Strike, Ataru, Battle Meditation, Double Attack (Lightsabers), Rapid Strike, Weapon Finesse

Special Actions:Acrobatic Recovery, Redirect Shot

Force Power Suite (Use the Force +19): Battle Strike, Force Slam, Force Stun, Force Thrust, Move Object, Rebuke, Surge

Force Secrets:Devastating Power

Force Techniques:Improved Force Trance, Improved Sense Force

Species Traits (Togruta): Pack Hunter, Sneaky, Spatial Awareness

Star Wars Jedi Shaak Ti

Base Stats Edit

Abilities: Strength 13, Dexterity 14, Constitution 10, Intelligence 13, Wisdom 16, Charisma 14

Talents:Acrobatic Recovery, Ataru, Battle Meditation, Block, Deflect, Redirect Shot, Weapon Specialization (Lightsabers)

Feats:Acrobatic Strike, Double Attack (Lightsabers), Force Sensitivity, Force Training (2), Running Attack, Rapid Strike, Skill Focus (Use the Force), Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Lightsabers), Weapon Proficiency (Lightsabers), Weapon Proficiency (Simple Weapons)

Skills:Acrobatics +14, Initiative +14, Use the Force +19

Possessions: Lightsaber (Self-Built), Jedi Robes

    Shaak Ti

    A wise and patient Jedi Master, the Togruta Shaak Ti fought at the Battle of Geonosis, and supervised the training of clone cadets on Kamino. There, she struggled to balance the necessity of producing capable troopers with compassion for the clones as living beings. Ti helped defend Kamino against Separatist attack, balancing assignments in the field with her duties on the Jedi Council.

Star Wars Jedi Book

  • Female,
  • Height: 1.87m ,

    This Party's Over

Star wars jedi book

During the final years of the Republic, the Togruta Jedi Master Shaak Ti served on the Jedi Council. Ti joined the rescue mission to Geonosis that led to the first battle of the Clone Wars.

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During the Clone Wars, Ti supervised the training of clone cadets on Kamino, working alongside mercenary instructors and Kaminoan scientists. She served as a mentor to cadets such as Echo and Fives and defended Kamino against a Separatist assault.

Late in the war, Ti had to deal with a mystery: a tumor found in the brain of a clone trooper named Tup. Ti found herself in a power struggle with the Kaminoans, and wrestling with disturbing questions about the clones’ origin and ultimate purpose.