Skyrim I Love Cleavage

Posted on -

Jan 12, 2013  Hi, Same problem for me: I have only the mod CBBE with CB default option, and my game crash when I have the mod 'I love cleavage CBBE BBP' activated.My config: Skyrim v.1.9.32, used with NMM and last version SKE.

Skyrim I Love Cleavages

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Skyrim I Love CleavageSkyrim i love cleavages

Skyrim I Love Cleavage Missing Textures

  • 35 'Home Alone' Booby Trap Gifs
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  • It would seem the lot of you take your boob allocation very seriously. More seriously than probably is really necessary.
  • I bet even most ZOS female employees have more cleavage than OP post...
    No offense, but that's like... Dye it black and it'd be perfect for a funeral...
    NA-DC-NB VR1 Ilythrian
    Proud member of Guild Medieval, More Than Fair, The Angry Unicorn Inn
  • 2. We don't want ESO to become like THIS [insert an elf from Terra Online] or another Asian MMO.....

    You don't want ESO to have a suspiciously low camera angle?
    Honestly, there are definitely things that other games could learn from Tera's armor art, but they'd need to look at the full range of armors. People talk about Tera as if all of its armors were ultra-skimpy, and that is typically what gets publicized, but there are options for characters to be tasteful and/or modest. The player has to choose to use them.
    I found the variations in armor types very refreshing in Tera, regardless of how much skin was shown. I'm tired of games reusing the same armor meshes with minimally altered textures for entire ranges of armor pieces.
    It's also one of the few games out there that offers a full range of armor appearances (skimpy, fully clothed, wacky, etc.) for both genders, which is an argument that has been raised (justifiably) in every MMO I've ever played.

    It's called a straw man argument, especially in the context I used it.
    The origin of the elf myth is that of a bewitcher, seducer, using beauty beyond that of regular humans the way Templars use the Jesus Beam. It's power that cannot be employed without appropriate clothing for the role.
    In short, it's not trash, nor borderline pornography.
    But, most of all, it should be a choice.
  • What few developers seem to be able to grasp is that you can make armor/outfits sexy without making them revealing. The female Templar armor from Hellgate: London (displayed below) for example shows zero skin but is still very sexy.
    That being said, the new redguard and orc armor designs are neither sexy nor revealing, but ugly as hell and have no place in a mature rated game.

    Have you ever played TES games before? No? Let's break it down this way.
    TES has never had skimpy women short of a bad game cover for Arena. Fur armor here and there, but by and large, armor is armor. You want skimpy? You want sexy? Go elsewhere.
    Thrusk gro-Bogroth
    Khurza gra-Bogroth

    Mor'Grumaar - Orcish Stronghold Roleplay
  • I am a Huge G-irl (guy in real life) ... I have 2 accounts and all 16 toons are women ... I love to dress my Digital Wives/Dolls to impress... I like the Corseted dress and some of the clothes but find most of the new outfits and Wearable battle Gear incredibly conservative.
  • isn't the game rated M or am I wrong?
    all I felt like saying,
    sorry they ruined everything for you op,
    if it ain't broke, don't break it.
  • What few developers seem to be able to grasp is that you can make armor/outfits sexy without making them revealing. The female Templar armor from Hellgate: London (displayed below) for example shows zero skin but is still very sexy.
    That being said, the new redguard and orc armor designs are neither sexy nor revealing, but ugly as hell and have no place in a mature rated game.

    Have you ever played TES games before? No? Let's break it down this way.
    TES has never had skimpy women short of a bad game cover for Arena. Fur armor here and there, but by and large, armor is armor. You want skimpy? You want sexy? Go elsewhere.

    I disagree. Perhaps you are simply misinformed...
    Nope, no scantily clad women at all in previous elder scrolls games.
    Nope, nope, nope. Never ever...
  • What happened, did someone decide that ESO can't have any armor that looks even remotely good? This was truly a horrible shock to me logging into the PTS and seeing this change:
    PLEASE DON'T TAKE AWAY MY DRESS!!!! And, no, I'm not wearing a wedding dress. I love this dress, I get compliments on it nearly daily. Please don't vandalize one of the few cool low level options.

    But... they look bigger in the wtf shot.

    But... size isn't everything

    @Shunravi that is the most debatable statement ever.
    There is a point when to big is bad, but... But heh... Heheheh... hehehehehehehe.... HEHEHEHEHEHEHE.
    K im gonna go to bed now, 6am and drunk.
    Aldmeri Dominion For Life!
    Crassus Licinius II - DK - V14 - Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade NA(The Dragonknight that refuses to go Vampire.)
    N'tel Arlena - NB - V14 - Retired Sap Tank of Haderus NA, Harasser of Many(Also, not a vampire. Goes by nickname Nutella.)
    Officially Resigned From Cyrodiil As Of 4/15/15 10:24 PM EST.
  • Tenesi Faryon of Telvanni - Dunmer Sorceress who deliberately sought sacrifice into Cold Harbor to rescue her beloved.
    Hisa Ni Caemaire - Altmer Sorceress, member of the Order Draconis and Adept of the House of Dibella
    Broken Branch Toothmaul - goblin (bosmer template) Templar, member of the Order Draconis and persistently unskilled pickpocket
    Mol gro Durga - Orsimer Socerer/Battlemage who died the first time when the Nibenay Valley chapterhouse of the Order Draconis was destroyed, then went back to Cold Harbor to rescue his second/partner who was still captive. He overestimated his resistance to the hopelessness of Oblivion, about to give up, and looked up to see the golden glow of atherius surrounding a beautiful young woman who extended her hand to him and said 'I can help you'. He carried Fianna Kingsley out of Cold Harbor on his shoulder. He carried Alvard Stower under one arm.Order Draconis - well c'mon there has to be some explanation for all those dragon tattoos.
    House of Dibella - If you have ever seen or read 'Memoirs of a Geisha' that's just the beginning...
    Nibenay Valley Chapterhouse - Where now stands only desolate ground and a dolmen there once was a thriving community supporting one of the major chapterhouses of the Order Draconis
  • They could have improved the textures without adding large constraining bland chest slabs on the medium armor and huge weird looking neck pieces on the light. Maybe the boob window in the orcish armor is a bit silly, but I resent not being given a single option in heavy armor that is fun. This is a FANTASY game and the golden saints wear strangely boob grabbing swirly armor that shows off some chest. I'd like to have a choice if I want to wear something functional looking, or something that looks cool and different.
    There's not even anything attractive in the crown store. The 'Wedding Dress' is pretty but it's a wedding dress and I have an issue with the only possible feminine looking clothing option being something so costumy. My adventurer doesn't want to be reduced to a housewife! The 'Cook' costume is not attractive. Give me a beer-wench costume and I'll wear that around for fun.
    If anyone wondered, I AM a woman. I really go out and wear a corset and do reenactments wearing revolutionary war, or renaissance clothing and when I play fantasy game I like to be able to relate. From Xena Warrior Princess to Game of Thrones, it's clear that men and women alike want to be able to see their heros, and the heros that they play, show strength but we like to see them wearing something other than chainmail and platemail.


    Dont you dare to destroy bosmer armor, they suppoust tribal like so is normal it show some skin in females and males as well, as the pic shows, so if you gona work in them, make it better dont 'nun' them pelase -

    i am female too and i agree with @ElfFromSpace, @Seravi, @haidlir1983 and the other ladies and gentlemen, who prefer the previous better choices of attire that have been removed, instead of the 'burka' and 'nun' editions which are yuchy remakes that looks like someone put bibs over their chests. LOL Sorry people but Elder Scrolls has ALWAYS had sensual ladies armor and clothing! If anybody thinks ESO was sexy before this change, they should search online and take a look back at even the vanilla Daggerfall: Elderscrolls II which showed female's *** when their tops were being changed whilst dressing and undressing, and certainly had lovely corset armor, and this was from before the turn of the Millennium!! BTW Even RL Victorian ERA women showed cleavage, and lots more than ESO ever did. I can see why the *** would be covered in ESO, but not the bit of cleavage that is no big deal. Grow up and get a grip people and rid us of these silly new bibs drawn over the chests of the previously cool armor. ROTFLOL :P And if the men want to show off their muscles and tattoos let them do that too. Why the sudden change for the worse? It is 2015 Please leave the freedom of choices that were present before. Thank you
    [Snowsong is using ROG G752VS on NA server.]

  • As OP stated, I consider this to be elegant and classy, and in now way distasteful. Five light, 2 heavy:
    The argument about realism: First of all, you'll have to cut out a variety of costumes if one wishes to push realism. If you wish to make the most realistic character, and take the time to craft the styles and dye the armor... I'll gladly take the screen shots and post them on the screen shot thread boasting about, and congratulating, your efforts. You have like 13 or 14 other choices that are fully covered. Primal, btw, is not fully covered with metal as it appears to be a good deal of cloth undergarment visual.
    But please don't deny my girls their right to flaunt what the gods gave them while they slap daedric beasties around....
    The other big issue I have with this whole debate/argument is also the most common fallacy I find in these forums. People so often jump to the extreme. 'You pervs need to go play them Asian MMOs!!' I have yet to see anyone asking for plate mail thongs and bikinis. So really... just drop that ridiculous argument/insult-in-disguise.
    Once again, my position is just please don't take options away, only add them. Go ahead and add the new covered up armor style, but please add some way of obtaining the old classy elegant look as well. Even if that mean I have to look to the crown store, as long as the option is there.

    @Esha76, i agree with you totally. Your Altmer Lady looks gorgeous and classy in that armor, but one would not want to get on her bad side or get anywhere near her face or cleavage without permission, since she also looks fierce enough to deal with any unwanted attempts to those areas in a heartbeat. Beautiful character. Good for You!
    [Snowsong is using ROG G752VS on NA server.]
  • I tend to think that if you want boobs hanging out go play Tera, Archage, or GW2 that objectifies the hell out of women.
    TES has always been more respectful to women - and more practical - armor wise. (except for certain box art.)
    Cleavage on something that makes sense like a dress that offers no stats? I'm cool with that. Plate mail - especially for an Orc - Orcs who would know better - that has a boob window is just stupid.

    Being 'more respectful to women' means allowing women more choices, so i would agree Elder Scrolls did that for female-gamers in the past in regard to giving them more choices and options. However to suggest that TES had more practical female armor in the past, if meant to claim they did not also have seductive or revealing female armor or attire in the past except for on box art would just be flat out wrong. Elder Scrolls has always been playfully sexier than many other games, but that does not mean lack of respect for women, unless women are being denied choices and told what they can and cannot wear, which if this happens now would be the only time in the history of Elder Scrolls that this has been done. If a bloke or whomever does not respect a female just because a bit of cleavage shows on a toon, then he does not understand the meaning of respect. Respect is not about controlling her (or even what she wears), but respect is about not dis-allowing her to have her own choices. So you want a game to control her stats according to her cleavage, as in only allowing cleavage on a dress with no stats? -- and that would be cool with you. Well, that's certainly not very sporting. LOL How about respect, as in not penalizing her for letting her player-character/toon wear whatever dress or armor she wants to. Just sayin'.
    [Snowsong is using ROG G752VS on NA server.]
  • Covered this at length if the feminine armor topic too and if ever there was a subject that generates lots of heat without light it's this one.
    But my Dunmeri lasses felt they won ESO the other night when they finally got this little item....

    The fact that it's the rarest armor drop in the game, though, and is Daedric but not included in the Daedric motif says a lot in my view.
    But this subject is set to all manner of trip wires in folks. It's a matter of emotion for many far beyond the reach of reason in this strange, strange game where you have spiders dressed up in dominatrix outfits and trees with boobs and butts...
  • Respect is not about controlling her (or even what she wears), but respect is about not dis-allowing her to have her own choices. So you want a game to control her stats according to her cleavage, as in only allowing cleavage on a dress with no stats? -- and that would be cool with you. Well, that's certainly not very sporting. LOL How about respect, as in not penalizing her for letting her player-character/toon wear whatever dress or armor she wants to. Just sayin'

    LOL I hadn't even thought about it that way. But it's true. I had a pretty dress I could wear and now the only remotely pretty dress I can wear is actual street clothes with no stats, that makes me completely useless in the game.
    Before I had a light armor option that offered good protection and made me strong. Now they have gimped the light armor both making it so weak that not even straight spell casters can afford to use light armor. They have also gimped the looks. Blarg! Hate, Gumble, FIX THIS!
    Former GM Elder Scrolls Exchange for guild info and invitations
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  • I just want to pipe in as a fellow girl gamer, that, yes, I want to see some sexy gear. It doesn't need to be outlandishly provocative like Bellanca's last picture, but there is definitely a compromise that could be made.
  • No lesser personages than Queen Ayrenn had theirs covered as well.
    As concept art.....
    As she is in the game....a ham-handed restyle that looks rather hasty
  • Former GM Elder Scrolls Exchange for guild info and invitations
    Help fix the guild system! Respond at
  • Oh dear, this is where political correctness will get you.
  • I'd like to make a very important note here btw, lets go back to hmmm Morrowind, Skyrim, Oblivion these were all elder scrolls games yes? There were topless orcs, cleavage on women all over the place etc etc, soo why on ESO does there need to be a massive change like this? It's for 1 an 18 game which means there shouldn't be kids on this anyways if thats your concern, 2 it's not like the characters are naked or you could see there *** whats the differ here with this stylish armour and a character just taking everything off and showing way more than the outfits did?, 3 you see people worldwide wherever you go in the street with cleavage everywhere when you go shopping, when kids go to school, when people are swimming, on TV do I need to go on?, soo why is this so different in ESO and I'm sorry but people will just run around naked now and rp and stuffs, because there aren't any good outfits that look good soo your basically just going to make things worse than they were, what you should do ESO if you think about this correctly is give players a choice, they can have full body for those who want full body and natural the old set that showed cleavage, or why don't you do this to make every1 happy?, make a settings option where ppl have it completly censored (full body) or showing a bit of flesh people could toggle this on/off soo basically those who don't want flesh can censor it and wont even see it on other people characters and those that do can uncensor it that way every1's happy, it saves you time on all your coding melarchy you have to go through and stops people complaining, because your ruining peoples customization capabilities what's wrong with a character looking like a boss and having a good sense of style?
    Whatever happened to the game companies that made amazing games and pleased their fans? why have they been replaced by these money hungry companies who don't care about anything but the money?!
    I mean in all seriousness and fairness all game companies only do something now to make money, it's never about their fans, or anything else, what happened to the passion of making a good game every1 will love.
    Edited by messengerofdeath on April 17, 2015 5:27PM
  • After following this topic and recent 'advances' in the game through the latest patches (and 'artistic improvement', hah!) I am now convinced we have indeed entered the 'Era of Burqa', in the fabulous world of Tamriel.
    I am surprised a few remnants of remotely 'revealing' outfits still survive, like for example the Golden Saint and Dark Seducer costumes and even the Unassailable Cuirass (kinda a plate corset). I fear the 'hawk-eye' of the 'ESO Fashion Police' will get those soon though. After all, they do know what is best for us, and act swiftly, for our own good, always.
  • Time to allow graphics mods like the other TES games?
  • I just have to say... And I know this is maybe an older discussion, but... I am very very very disappointed with the lack of sex appeal in all of my characters armor now. This is a fantasy world... And in my professional life it is inappropriate to wear anything remotely revealing. The best IRL I get is a rare invite for frat friends getting married or something get to wear a sophisticated dress I choose to be revealing. In my fantasy character I loved to be able to look sexy... Until I logged on one day and was suddenly all covered up... I am very sad about this... Please ZOS add back our old clothing options and offer new ones for more conservative players. Or at least add more motifs... I haven't seen anything sexy in the Crown Store, but even then I am unable to customize it in my traditional colors. Or god forbid, since I am a girl, I want to change my colors!!! I sometimes change it daily! And accessorize...
    To summarize, I am a woman and I like my women characters to be able to look as sexy as I wish I could. Please add back what we had... Please add new motifs for the fully covered more conservative options.
  • Just look at the redguard light armor. All these NPCs now stand out for horrifying dorkiness.
    Tenesi Faryon of Telvanni - Dunmer Sorceress who deliberately sought sacrifice into Cold Harbor to rescue her beloved.
    Hisa Ni Caemaire - Altmer Sorceress, member of the Order Draconis and Adept of the House of Dibella
    Broken Branch Toothmaul - goblin (bosmer template) Templar, member of the Order Draconis and persistently unskilled pickpocket
    Mol gro Durga - Orsimer Socerer/Battlemage who died the first time when the Nibenay Valley chapterhouse of the Order Draconis was destroyed, then went back to Cold Harbor to rescue his second/partner who was still captive. He overestimated his resistance to the hopelessness of Oblivion, about to give up, and looked up to see the golden glow of atherius surrounding a beautiful young woman who extended her hand to him and said 'I can help you'. He carried Fianna Kingsley out of Cold Harbor on his shoulder. He carried Alvard Stower under one arm.Order Draconis - well c'mon there has to be some explanation for all those dragon tattoos.
    House of Dibella - If you have ever seen or read 'Memoirs of a Geisha' that's just the beginning...
    Nibenay Valley Chapterhouse - Where now stands only desolate ground and a dolmen there once was a thriving community supporting one of the major chapterhouses of the Order Draconis
  • What few developers seem to be able to grasp is that you can make armor/outfits sexy without making them revealing. The female Templar armor from Hellgate: London (displayed below) for example shows zero skin but is still very sexy.
    That being said, the new redguard and orc armor designs are neither sexy nor revealing, but ugly as hell and have no place in a mature rated game.

    Have you ever played TES games before? No? Let's break it down this way.
    TES has never had skimpy women short of a bad game cover for Arena. Fur armor here and there, but by and large, armor is armor. You want skimpy? You want sexy? Go elsewhere.

    Almexia says hi, so does Nocturnal. Fur and hide armor exists in Skyrim, as well as the VERY Obvious Dark Seducer and Golden Saint armors that have existed for quite a while now in lore.
    I am not even going to get into Arena and daggerfall, pretty sure the list would be WAY Too big for that.
  • I can definitely see the frustration here and I don't think it's misplaced. Even though it's only cosmetic, they changed the base game just so they could sell more in the store. So instead of just adding more interesting looking armor and cosmetics (Skyrim Daedric for example), they'll be adding in sexy versions of the armor that we already had from the beginning. I understand that they need to sell stuff in the store to keep business going, but that's just lazy developing and it's wrong imo.
    GM Oghma Infinium - Ebonheart Pact
    VR14 Imperial Dragonknight - Indualis Decimius
    VR14 High Elf Sorcerer - Arienna Stormcaller
    VR1 Dark Elf Dragonknight - Flame and Shadow
    26 Khajiit Nightblade - J'Kaaz Vulon
    10 Breton Templar - Sam Guevene
  • Time to allow graphics mods like the other TES games?

    Not likely to happen in an MMO.
    GM Oghma Infinium - Ebonheart Pact
    VR14 Imperial Dragonknight - Indualis Decimius
    VR14 High Elf Sorcerer - Arienna Stormcaller
    VR1 Dark Elf Dragonknight - Flame and Shadow
    26 Khajiit Nightblade - J'Kaaz Vulon
    10 Breton Templar - Sam Guevene
  • °‡° ÁDAMANT °‡°
    The Addon Abusers, Exploiters & Macro'ers Refuge
    •••• Ara Valleria - AD NightBladeTemplàra Valleria - AD TemplarÅra Valleria - AD DragonKnightÁra V - AD DragonKnightAra Laifu - DC NightBladeAra Waifu - EP Sorcerer ••••
    Want to take a break from all the Lagging Crashing Cancer ?
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  • Jesus, everyone here is whining and crying over some damn armor. While the redguard change im indifferent on, the orc change was absolutely necessary.
    It's heavy plate armor, having a massive chest window completely destroyed the purpose of having such protective armor. I'm assuming no one here was smart enough to realize, but ESO has been striving to make the weapons and armors realistic and functional. TES games have never been about skimpy women. And no, gods don't count, and neither does the old and outdated designs of arena and daggerfall.
    Of course there are some exceptions to the rule, but for the most part, these changes are good and needed. Everyone needs to stop crying and whining over such little things. First people cried about unrealistic armor. They change it now people *** about not having skimpy armor. If you don't like it, go play Terra, they got plenty of what you want,
  • Jesus, everyone here is whining and crying over some damn armor. While the redguard change im indifferent on, the orc change was absolutely necessary.
    It's heavy plate armor, having a massive chest window completely destroyed the purpose of having such protective armor. I'm assuming no one here was smart enough to realize, but ESO has been striving to make the weapons and armors realistic and functional. TES games have never been about skimpy women. And no, gods don't count, and neither does the old and outdated designs of arena and daggerfall.
    Of course there are some exceptions to the rule, but for the most part, these changes are good and needed. Everyone needs to stop crying and whining over such little things. First people cried about unrealistic armor. They change it now people *** about not having skimpy armor. If you don't like it, go play Terra, they got plenty of what you want,

    You're here crying about people crying. Oops? It's a fantasy game, it doesn't need 100% reality. Everyone here spends their time and possibly money on this game, so the right to voice an opinion on the quality of in-game resources is valid.
  • So much frustration. Thanks god i'm never playing female characters.