What Amusement Park Was Used In Zombieland

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Apr 28, 2017  Motiongate Dubai have opened a new attraction based. Remember the drop tower ride on the movie Zombieland? Well now there is an ACTUAL REAL RIDE based on it! Jump to navigation Jump to search. Zombieland is a 2009 American post-apocalyptic horror comedy film directed by Ruben Fleischer and written by Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick. The film stars Woody Harrelson, Jesse Eisenberg, Emma Stone, and Abigail Breslin as survivors of a zombie apocalypse.

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Backstory in the zombie genre is hardly worth bothering with any more. We either accept that the world is overrun with shuffling cannibals which used to be human beings, or we go and watch something with Jennifer Aniston in it. Sketching out a pseudoscientific background to your given zombie apocalypse is hardly going to sway us either way.


The horror comedy Zombieland is smart enough to cut to the chase: the blighters have taken over, there are scattered survivors, off we go. One of these is our narrator, played by the endearingly unheroic Jesse Eisenberg, who begins the film with the list of rules he’s devised to prolong survival for as long as possible -- avoiding bathrooms, for instance, for the simple reason that the way out is the same as the way in, and sitting in a cubicle is effectively serving yourself up to the undead in a lunchbox.

He hitches a lift with a gun-toting redneck from Florida, in which role Woody Harrelson is perhaps inevitable, but still good company, and before long two sassy sisters (Emma Stone, Abigail Breslin) have joined them on the road. The destination in Ruben Fleischer’s film is never quite the point -- it has an amiable, episodic randomness, as the quartet battle and scavenge their way from supermarket to roadside boutique to Beverly Hills mansion, complete with surprise cameo from a slumming-it Hollywood legend. Eisenberg, with this and the underrated Adventureland, is carving out quite the niche in shy, virginal heroes we’re keen to see get laid; his likely partner is the hugely promising Stone (Superbad, The Rocker), a tough cookie who projects the aura of being wiser than her years.

The fact that the stakes never feel especially high ought to be an asset, but it isn’t, quite. Cultish slacker cool isn’t something you can work to achieve -- you have it or you don’t -- and Fleischer is angling for it just a tad too hard. For all the splattery takedowns of groaning extras, it’s fitting that Zombieland ends up in an amusement park, because it basically is one. You get your money’s worth.

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Woody Harrelson was arrested for marijuana possession during filming, which delayed shooting for a day.
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The script, originally a television pilot, was heavily revised to become a feature film.
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Abigail Breslin and Woody Harrelson's conversation in the Hummer scene about Hannah Montana was ad-libbed.
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The 'Zombie Kill of the Week' was leftover from the script's origin as a television pilot. Every weekly episode would have a Zombie Kill of the Week performed by characters on the show.
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Patrick Swayze was offered a cameo role as a zombie before his cancer diagnosis. His scene would have parodied other Swayze movies like Ghost (1990) and Dirty Dancing (1987). Zombie cameo roles were also offered to Joe Pesci, Mark Hamill, Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Bacon, Jean-Claude Van Damme, and Matthew McConaughey.
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The puppy that Woody Harrelson is seen playing with in a flashback belongs to Abigail Breslin.
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Director Ruben Fleischer has said that he was inspired to make this by Shaun of the Dead (2004).
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Originally titled 'Another Day in Zombieland', but the studio feared people would think it would be a sequel.
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Contrary to popular belief, the supermarket scene was not filmed at an actual supermarket. A movie set was built from scratch to look like a real supermarket, and some of the merchandise is fake. For example, the stuff behind the glass refrigerator doors is just printed on paper. According to the producers, it was cheaper than buying out a supermarket and paying them for broken merchandise.
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There is an additional scene after the credits: an outtake with Bill Murray and Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson).
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It is revealed in the DVD commentary that Emma Stone was originally cast to play the role of '406'.
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Bill Murray's mansion in the movie is actually Lee Najjar's house in Buckhead, a wealthy section of Atlanta, Georgia. Mr. Najjar's red Ferrari F430 Spyder is in the garage.
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Wichita is the only main character whose name is revealed: Krista, named for Emma Stone's mother.
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August 28, 2016, on Kevin Smith's show 'Geeking Out!' original screenwriters Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick announced that they are writing Zombieland 2 with all of the principal characters returning, except for Bill Murray.
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Tallahassee paints a '3' on his cars as a reference to Dale Earnhardt. Both cars that Tallahassee drove were based on the color schemes of Earnhardt's cars.
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The amusement park scenes were filmed at Wild Adventures Theme Park in Valdosta, Georgia.
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Six other additional rules are mentioned in the Theatrical Promo Trailers in the DVD extras. Rule # 12: Bounty (as in Bounty paper towels 'If there is one way to describe Zombieland it is moist'); Rule # 15: Bowling ball ('Nothing says massive head trauma like a bowling ball'); Rule # 29: The Buddy System ('It is so important that we take a cue from our zombie neighbors and we have each other's backs'); Rule # 6: Cast Iron Skillet ('Zombie takes one of these to the head, he ain't getting up'); Rule # 33: Swiss Army Knife ('The Swiss Army use that knife for a reason'). Which brings the total rules number up to 33.
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The screenplay for this film was featured in the 2007 Blacklist, a list of the 'most liked' unmade scripts of the year.
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It has been said that this movie was supposed to be based on the video game Left 4 Dead 2 (2009). Valve, the creators and developers of the game, denied the studio permission to mention the game and company in the opening and end credits.
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As of 2015, all four leads in this film have been nominated for Academy Awards for their performances in other films. In 2017, Emma Stone became the first to win an Oscar, for 'La La Land'.
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In Bill Murray's mansion, Woody Harrelson's character mentions that he is a big fan of all his movies. Harrelson starred in Kingpin (1996) with Murray.

What Amusement Park Was Used In Zombieland Full

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In the script, the only name that remained the same was Wichita. Columbus was originally Flagstaff, Tallahassee was originally Albuquerque, and Little Rock was originally Stillwater.
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This was the third biggest opening weekend in Woody Harrelson's career, at $24.7 million. The biggest was The Hunger Games (2012), with an opening of $152.5 million, then 2012 (2009), with $65.2 million.
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Twinkies really are called 'Submarinos' in Mexico.
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A previous Woody Harrelson movie, Natural Born Killers (1994), contained a mention of the term 'Zombieland', when talking about television audiences.
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In the supermarket scene, the banjo tune and the 'pretty mouth' line are references to Deliverance (1972).
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Jamie Bell was originally cast as Columbus but dropped out. Taylor Lautner was considered to replace him, but couldn't.
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Columbus is afraid of clowns. In real life, Jesse Eisenberg's mother worked as a party clown.
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Evan Rachel Wood and Megan Fox turned down the role of Wichita, while Amber Tamblyn auditioned.
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When Wichita, Little Rock, Columbus, and Tallahassee stop in Hollywood to pick up a map, a marquee showing 2012 (2009), which also starred Woody Harrelson (Tallahassee), can be seen in the upper right corner.
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During the Monopoly game, Columbus remarks that one of the best things about Zombieland is 'No Facebook status updates.' Jesse Eisenberg portrayed Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, in The Social Network (2010).
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In the highway accident wreckage, the pattern of burn marks and melted aluminum, on the side of the scorched big rig truck, resemble human skulls.
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At Bill Murray's house, Wichita says that Bill looks just like Eddie Van Halen, whose song 'Everybody Wants Some' plays after they discover the bag of guns, and in many trailers for the film.
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The movie was shipped to theaters under the code-name 'Point of Origin'.
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According to writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, Kirk Ward was originally considered for the role of Tallahassee. Ward played Tallahassee in the television series pilot.
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Three of the four main characters are named after state capitals: Tallahassee (Florida), Columbus (Ohio), and Little Rock (Arkansas). Wichita is the most populous city in Kansas.
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When Columbus and Tallahassee are walking through a town after their Escalade is stolen, the tank in the background is in a British-made Chieftain main battle tank, painted in an American scheme.
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The only names mentioned in the movie are: Wichita (Krista), Tallahassee's son Buck, Cynthia Nickerbocker, Eddie Van Halen, Bill Murray, Bob Marley, Tom Cruise, Russell Crowe, Rob Curtis, Scotty Lynch, Willie Nelson, Hannah Montana (Miley Cyrus), and Mohandas K. Gandhi.
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In the scene where Wichita (Emma Stone) and Columbus (Jesse Eisenberg) split a bottle of wine at Bill Murray's house, she claimed 1997 a great year, having seen her first R rated movie, Anaconda, that year. Anaconda was actually rated PG-13.
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The deleted scenes section of the DVD reveal that the close-ups of the scene, with the girls riding the drop tower, were filmed against a greenscreen. These deleted scenes also indicate the master was shot in 1.78:1 format and then cropped to 2.35:1, as boom mikes are clearly visible.
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Actress Emma Stone is the last of her main co-stars to be nominated for an Oscar, but the first among them to win. Woody Harrelson was first nominated in 1997 for his performance in The People vs. Larry Flynt (1996), followed by Abigail Breslin in 2007 for her performance in Little Miss Sunshine (2006), followed by Jesse Eisenberg in 2011 for his performance in The Social Network (2010), and lastly followed by Emma Stone in 2015 for her performance in Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) (2014). Emma Stone then won the Oscar for Best Actress in 2017 for her performance in La La Land (2016).
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Unadjusted for inflation, this is the second highest-grossing movie, in the U.S., that begins with the letter 'z' after Zootopia (2016).
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The song, 'Popular', sung by Kristin Chenoweth from the musical 'Wicked', can be heard in the car scene.
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The wine that Columbus and Wichita drink is a 1997 Beaulieu Vineyard BV Georges de Latour Private Reserve Cabernet, which sells for $125 to $150 a bottle.
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Early in the movie when Columbus and Tallahassee first meet on the highway and are in their armed staredown, the pocket watch tune from Sergio Leone's For a Few Dollars More (1965) can be heard playing faintly.
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Abigail Breslin and Emma Stone have played a character named Olive, Breslin in Little Miss Sunshine (2006) and Stone in Easy A (2010).
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Emma Stone and Abigail Breslin have brothers named Spencer.
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Tallahassee says how much he loves Bill Murray. In Kingpin (1996), Woody Harrelson and Bill Murray were enemies.
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Towards the beginning, when Columbus is first seen walking on the deserted highway, he passes a minivan to his left that has a 99X sticker on its back window. 99X was an alternative radio station in Atlanta, Georgia, that was hugely popular during the mid to late 1990s.
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Amber Heard's character, Columbus' hot neighbor zombie in the beginning of the movie, is referred to only as '406'. This is her apartment number, but it is also the only area code for the state of Montana, keeping with the theme of places as names.
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Filmed in the same locations as The Walking Dead.
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When Wichita reveals her real name she says 'Krista', which is the real-life name of Emma Stone's mother.
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Abigail Breslin and Emma Stone have starred in two films from the same directors, Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris. Breslin played Olive in Little Miss Sunshine (2006), and Stone played Billie Jean King in Battle of the Sexes (2017).
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Rhett Reese: the man in the white tuxedo with an assault rifle in the opening credits.
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What amusement park was used in zombieland filmed

The trivia items below may give away important plot points.

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Although his character is on a constant hunt for Twinkies, Woody Harrelson is a vegan, and does not eat Twinkies (which contain eggs and beef fat). According to Harrelson, the filmmakers made special 'fake Twinkies' out of cornmeal for the scene at the end.
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The 'poor fat bastard' killed in the film's opening shows up again as the zombie 'with a pretty mouth' that Tallahassee kills with a banjo in the supermarket.
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Columbus has 32 rules for surviving Zombieland, ten of which are identified in this movie. As the rules are punctuated, and in the order in which they appear in the movie, they are, 'Rule #1. Cardio'; 'Rule #2. Double tap'; 'Rule #3. Beware of bathrooms'; 'Rule #4. Seatbelts'; 'Rule #7. Travel light'; 'Rule #31. Check the back seat'; 'Rule #18. Limber up'; 'Rule #22. When in doubt, know your way out'; 'Rule #32. Enjoy the little things'; and 'Rule #17. Don't be a hero' (later corrected to 'Be a hero'). An eleventh rule of surviving Zombieland is identified in a deleted scene. As punctuated in the deleted scene, the rule is 'Rule #2. Ziploc bags'. In a voice-over, Columbus explains, 'You've got enough problems. Moisture shouldn't be one of them.'
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The man that is eaten in the bathroom at the beginning of the film is the same person that Little Rock and Wichita pulled their ring scam on.
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