Portal 2 Lab Rat

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It would be safe to wait until Portal 2 to see the narrative direction that the series will take, timing is everything. If these sorts of things were being released before Portal 2 was an official product, then yes, it would be devastating to the fan base. With 'Portal 2' hitting shelves next week, Valve has also released a tie-in webcomic titled 'Lab Rat' which delves deeper into the game's backstory.

  1. Lab Rat Comic

Today, we're happy to present Part 1 of Valve's internally produced Portal 2: Lab Rat! Portal 2: Lab Rat Cover, click to enlarge. Portal 2: Lab Rat Page 1, click to enlarge.

Valve made a name for itself with the Half-Life series, amongst other titles, but one series, the Portal series, seems to be making waves. A new web-comic debuted this week, adding back-story to an already rich story, before the release of the widely anticipated Portal 2.

Along with the game’s release next week, Valve has debuted a tie-in comic, titled “Portal 2: Lab Rat.” IGN is hosting the first issue which is told from a Rat Man’s point of view during Chell’s time with GlaDOS. The Rat Man talks with the Companion Cube, and is witness to Chell’s activities during the first Portal, and provides an interesting look from a different perspective, offering up information on the events leading to and almost immediately after the first game.

Anyone who has played Portal knows about Chell (the game’s protagonist), and her Saw-like “Let’s-Play-A-Game” adventures with GLaDOS, the sinister AI who orchestrates the events of the first game. Tempted by the offer of cake (and let’s face it, who isn’t?), the player takes on the challenges, using her Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device (or, “portal gun”) to create portals on flat surfaces to move from one area to another. Real world physics apply, allowing for innovative gameplay, and more amusing, time-consuming activities, e.g., planting a portal on the ceiling, and then firing the second portal onto the floor, and diving in. Admittedly, it’s childish, but I’m sure everyone who has given this game a go has done it at least once.

Lab Rat Comic

The webcomic paves the way for Portal 2, as the Rat Man (assisted by his CC) watch as Chell is pulled back into the Aperture Science facility. The two rush to find where she is, to rescue her, and discover Chell to be in a broken life-support system. Using his incredible ninja skills, the Rat Man is able to bring her life-support unit online, but indefinitely. The Rat Man, after one final chat with his Cube, climbs into a stasis pod of sorts, and has his final rest. Well deserved, I think.

Judging from these comics, there appears to be an immense amount of story to the games, and a lot of incredible story all over. If you’re a fan of Valve’s growing catalog of games and the shared universe, be sure to read our interview with Valve writer Erik Wolpaw.

Head to IGN to read the full comic. Part 2 is also now available.

Portal 2 releases April 19, 2011, for the PC, Mac, Xbox 360 and PS3.


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Source: IGN

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Doug Rattmann

Biographical information


Functions / Belongings

Rank / Occupation

Physical description



Hair color

Eye color

Chronological and political information



Game information

Voiced by

Designed by

  • Michael Avon Oeming (young appearance)
  • Andrea Wicklund
    (older appearance)
  • Erik Wolpaw (story)
  • Chet Faliszek (story)
  • Jay Pinkerton (story)
  • Ted Kosmatka (story)[4]
'The cake is a lie.'
―Doug Rattmann scrawling[src]

Doug Rattmann,[2][3] also known as the Ratman,[5] is a former Aperture Science employee, and one of the few survivors of GLaDOS' flooding of the Enrichment Center with neurotoxin. Introduced through his murals in Portal, his story was expanded in Portal 2: Lab Rat.



When working for Aperture Science, Rattmann was charged with the maintenance of the Aperture Image Format, an interactive graphics format created in 1985.

He had access to Aperture Science's bulletin board system, with the login 'drattmann' and the password 'h0nee'.[2] He apparently never directly took part in GLaDOS' construction.

At some point late in GLaDOS' construction, Doug went to see his colleague Henry while he was working on the AI in his chamber. Henry praised their technological advances, stating that artificial consciousness is the next frontier. Doug was not convinced by this since GLaDOS attempted to kill everyone each time she was turned on, forcing them to switch her off. Later, Doug came across Henry while he was designing the Morality Core. Henry asked him to turn it on, then Doug asked him what it was, to which Henry answered that it was the latest in AI inhibition technology, that it would act on GLaDOS as her conscience. Rattmann believed it was insufficient to stop her murderous intentions, arguing that 'you can always ignore your conscience.'[3]

When GLaDOS was activated in 200-,[6] she became self-aware, locked down the facility, and flooded the Enrichment Center with deadly neurotoxins. Rattmann was one of the only survivors, and GLaDOS turned onto taunting him about his schizophrenia. She attempted to convince him that his situation was a result of his paranoia, but he ignored her.

Rattmann got a hunch about a Test Subject, Chell, who he thought could make a difference. He fled to the file room and found her file. It said that she should not be tested, as she is abnormally stubborn and 'Never gives up. Ever.' Convinced she is the one he needs to stop GLaDOS, he put her on top of the Test Subject list, so that she would be the first to be picked in the next test.[3]

Rattmann then spent the next several months surviving in the Test Chambers and maintenance areas of Aperture. Having only two anti-psychotic pills left, he kept them for the day GLaDOS would wake Chell. Consequently, he slowly lost his sanity, his schizophrenia completely taking him over.

He spent hours scribbling on walls, painting murals, graffiti and arrows and hints for the day Chell would wake up and try to escape, and became obsessed with the Companion Cube that his schizophrenia made talk to him and give him advice, acting as his source of logic.[3] It also appears he had several Cubes, as his scribblings show him mourning over the loss of one.

His scribbles and artwork on the walls could be a temporary fix to his illness. This can be inferred from Rattmann reading a book called, 'Art Therapy' in the comic Portal 2: Lab Rat.



Although unseen for the entirety of Portal, Rattmann is made aware to Chell through his 'Ratman dens', where each time he appears to have been living for a while (sleeping on unfolded Aperture Science boxes, eating beans and drinking milk and water along with 4 stolen detached cameras), and where his frantic scribblings and graffiti can be seen abundantly.

The first den is found near the Test Chamber 16, behind a broken wall held open by two Weighted Storage Cubes. It is here that the well-known statement 'the cake is a lie' is written in black.

The scribblings in Test Chamber 17 reveal further information, notably his obsession with the Companion Cube.

After Chell escapes the incineration at the hands of GLaDOS, in the Test Chamber 19, she finds more and more of Rattmann's scribblings of help and warning, and the directions he previously laid to guide her through the hazardous innards of the facility.

Rattmann's hints stop just before GLaDOS' massive Sentry Turret ambush, suggesting that he was unable to go on past this point.

GLaDOS tells Chell that the Companion Cube does not talk, and that if it ever did, to not believe what it said. This is a connection to Portal 2: Lab Rat where Rattmann's schizophrenia causes him to consider his Companion Cube as his consciousness which told him how to avoid turrets and where they were positioned.

Portal 2 Lab Rat

Portal 2: Lab Rat

In Portal 2: Lab Rat, Rattmann is shown to be observing Chell during her quest through the final stages of Portal, and taking his two last pills he was saving for that day. After she destroys GLaDOS, he follows her to the surface and thinks about taking the opportunity to escape once and for all, but upon seeing her being dragged back inside by the Party Escort Bot, he starts to feel guilty, feeling he is responsible for her predicament, and goes back into the facility to rescue her, despite his Companion Cube's objections.

Back in the facility, he discovers that Chell has been placed in a Cryo-Chamber in the Relaxation Center. He soon discovers that GLaDOS' explosion blew the main power grid and that all the Cryo-Chambers are off-line. He attempts to reach the Cryo-Control to rescue Chell, but without the advice of his Companion Cube, which is no longer talking due to the anti-psychotic pills he previously took, he is incapable of selecting the right way, and is shot in the leg by a Turret, and falls unconscious.

Upon regaining consciousness, he is back into his psychosis, discovering that he can no longer rescue Chell. However, the Companion Cube tells him that he can save her by patching her Cryo-Chamber into the Reserve Grid, placing her in stasis for an unspecified amount of time, but saving her from death. After doing so, he goes to sleep in a Relaxation Vault. His future lies unknown.

Portal 2

Rattmann is said to have died sometime after saving Chell, suggesting he died from the wound inflicted by the Turret in Lab Rat.[1] However, Eric Wolpaw refused to confirm or deny that this was the case in an interview.

Additional scribblings are seen in Portal 2, indicating his survival. Early during the game, Chell is required to enter one of his dens to find the single-portal ASHPD, in a room covered in murals detailing the events from GLaDOS' creation up to the end of Portal, as well as a large mural of Chell.

Furthermore, one of the Portal 2 Achievements requires finding the hidden signal in one of Rattmann's dens. The Achievement icon is similar to that of the 'Transmission Received' Achievement added to Portal during the Portal ARG. To complete it, an Aperture Science Radio must be taken into one of the Rattmann dens (specifically, the one where the radio is received because the Aperture Science Vital Apparatus Vent is full of garbage). It produces an SSTV signal similar to the radios in the Portal ARG, showing an image of a Companion Cube on the Moon. The Turret Quartet can be found in another Ratman den.

It is also clear as progressing through the game, that by standing close to the murals in certain dens, a frantic voice can be heard crying out in barely audible gibberish (His voice is incomprehensible due to his schizophrenia[7], meaning only he can understand his mumblings, though attempts have still been made by the community to translate them). This voice has been guessed to be that of Rattmann himself, giving a hint that he may actually still be alive and wandering around the facility. This voice can also be heard in the song 'Ghost of Rattman' on the Portal 2: Songs to Test By soundtrack.


As seen in Portal 2: Lab Rat, Rattmann appears to have a pupil larger than the other. This may be anisocoria, a condition characterized by an unequal size of the pupils. As for his face, his errancies in the Enrichment Center and his slow loss of sanity made it unrecognizable, gaunt and exhausted, with disheveled hair and beard, while he remained in scientist attire (labcoat and shirt), likely the most available outfit in the facility.

Personality and skills

Rattman has obsessions over objects such as the moon, cats and Companion Cubes. Shown in one of his drawings, he was trying to use science to combine a cat and a companion cube (likely reference to Schrödinger's cat, which was explicitly mentioned on page 20 of Lab Rat).


Prior to the activation of GLaDOS, despite already being schizophrenic and taking medication, Rattman was otherwise quite sane and level-headed, and was skeptical and worried with the work on GLaDOS, believing that a conscience would not be enough to stop her, as opposed to Henry's enthusiasm. However, as time passed when he was trapped in the facility, he grew increasingly insane and started being obsessed with the Companion Cube, making it work as his source of logic.

The results of the Aperture Science Collaborative Disposition Test tell that Rattmann is the quiet, artistic type, happy to ponder the solution to a puzzle in quiet solitude, and that compatible cooperative test partners include introspective loners, deaf-mute invisible people, and mannequins.

The scribblings seen in Portal show that Rattmann is an educated man, quoting both Dickinson and Longfellow to express himself over the loss of his Weighted Companion Cube, as well as a small reference to Auden. Rattmann's drawings range from simple scribbles to more elaborate artwork, such as a giant mural of Chell in Portal 2.

Aside from his scribblings, Rattmann appears to have adept technical skills. Apparently using the login name and password he managed to procure, he was able to open up certain wall sections in Test Chambers, make Vital Apparatus Vents dispense more Weighted Storage Cubes, and take pictures of the Companion Cube (probably by using the cameras in the Test Chambers). He is also able to create makeshift stoves out of computer heat sinks.


  • Portal features six Ratman dens. The first can be found near Test Chamber 16 (in 'testchmb_a_11'), the second near Test Chamber 17 (in 'testchmb_a_13'), the third near Test Chamber 18 (in 'testchmb_a_14'), the fourth (in 'escape_00'), fifth and sixth (in 'escape_01') in the maintenance areas.
  • A Portal: Still Alive Achievement named 'Rat's Tale' requires to find all of the Ratman dens. Its logo reuses a texture seen in-game.
  • When Portal 2 was officially announced on March 5, 2010,[8] several alphanumerics were underlined in the text, as part of the Portal ARG. When reorganized together, these letters gave the words 'drattmann' and 'h0nee', which are a second set of usernames and passwords (belonging to Doug Rattmann) for the BBS number (425) 822-5251. Upon entering them, one had access to data that would eventually give access to a program to read Aperture Image Format files.[2]
  • In the Perpetual Testing Initiative DLC for Portal 2, one of the voice clips by Cave Johnson reveals that he has become the president of Aperture in his universe and is apparently 'embezzling funds.' It is also shown that Cave is a former junior claims representative.



nntntnntntnntntnnn</picture>nntntnntnntnnn</a>nn','caption':'Beans can found in Ratman dens.','linkHref':'/wiki/File:Bts_beans.jpg','title':'Bts beans.jpg','dbKey':'Bts_beans.jpg'},{'thumbUrl':'https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/half-life/images/7/75/Bts_water_bottle.jpg/revision/latest/top-crop/width/240/height/240?cb=20100611150859&path-prefix=en','thumbHtml':'nnnntnttnntntnntntnntntnnn</picture>nntntnntnntnnn</a>nn','caption':'Water bottle found in Ratman dens.','linkHref':'/wiki/File:Bts_water_bottle.jpg','title':'Bts water bottle.jpg','dbKey':'Bts_water_bottle.jpg'},{'thumbUrl':'https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/half-life/images/f/fa/Bts_milk.jpg/revision/latest/top-crop/width/240/height/240?cb=20100611150859&path-prefix=en','thumbHtml':'nnnntnttnntntnntntnntntnnn</picture>nntntnntnntnnn</a>nn','caption':'Milk carton found in Ratman dens.','linkHref':'/wiki/File:Bts_milk.jpg','title':'Bts milk.jpg','dbKey':'Bts_milk.jpg'},{'thumbUrl':'https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/half-life/images/9/93/Bts_bed.jpg/revision/latest/zoom-crop/width/240/height/240?cb=20100611150859&path-prefix=en','thumbHtml':'nnnntnttnntntnntntnntntnnn</picture>nntntnntnntnnn</a>nn','caption':'Makeshift bed made from Aperture Science boxes found in Ratman dens.','linkHref':'/wiki/File:Bts_bed.jpg','title':'Bts bed.jpg','dbKey':'Bts_bed.jpg'},{'thumbUrl':'https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/half-life/images/5/58/Tc16_den1.jpg/revision/latest/zoom-crop/width/240/height/240?cb=20100611161131&path-prefix=en','thumbHtml':'nnnntnttnntntnntntnntntnnn</picture>nntntnntnntnnn</a>nn','caption':'The entrance to the first Ratman den, near Test Chamber 16.','linkHref':'/wiki/File:Tc16_den1.jpg','title':'Tc16 den1.jpg','dbKey':'Tc16_den1.jpg'},{'thumbUrl':'https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/half-life/images/e/e1/Testchmb_a_110024.JPG/revision/latest/zoom-crop/width/240/height/240?cb=20100611154823&path-prefix=en','thumbHtml':'nnnntnttnntntnntntnntntnnn</picture>nntntnntnntnnn</a>nn','caption':'Inside the Ratman den near Test Chamber 16.','linkHref':'/wiki/File:Testchmb_a_110024.JPG','title':'Testchmb a 110024.JPG','dbKey':'Testchmb_a_110024.JPG'},{'thumbUrl':'https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/half-life/images/4/41/Tc16_den2.jpg/revision/latest/zoom-crop/width/240/height/240?cb=20100611161131&path-prefix=en','thumbHtml':'nnnntnttnntntnntntnntntnnn</picture>nntntnntnntnnn</a>nn','caption':'Inside the Ratman den near Test Chamber 16.','linkHref':'/wiki/File:Tc16_den2.jpg','title':'Tc16 den2.jpg','dbKey':'Tc16_den2.jpg'},{'thumbUrl':'https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/half-life/images/9/97/Testchmb16_food.JPG/revision/latest/zoom-crop/width/240/height/240?cb=20090819003046&path-prefix=en','thumbHtml':'nnnntnttnntntnntntnntntnnn</picture>nntntnntnntnnn</a>nn','caption':'Example of makeshift stove made out of a computer heat sink in the Ratman den near Test Chamber 16.','linkHref':'/wiki/File:Testchmb16_food.JPG','title':'Testchmb16 food.JPG','dbKey':'Testchmb16_food.JPG'},{'thumbUrl':'https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/half-life/images/d/dc/Tc17_den1.jpg/revision/latest/zoom-crop/width/240/height/240?cb=20100611161131&path-prefix=en','thumbHtml':'nnnntnttnntntnntntnntntnnn</picture>nntntnntnntnnn</a>nn','caption':'The entrance to the second Ratman den, near Test Chamber 17.','linkHref':'/wiki/File:Tc17_den1.jpg','title':'Tc17 den1.jpg','dbKey':'Tc17_den1.jpg'},{'thumbUrl':'https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/half-life/images/c/c3/Ratman_Den2.jpg/revision/latest/zoom-crop/width/240/height/240?cb=20100611154739&path-prefix=en','thumbHtml':'nnnntnttnntntnntntnntntnnn</picture>nntntnntnntnnn</a>nn','caption':'Detail of the right corner of the Ratman den near Test Chamber 17.','linkHref':'/wiki/File:Ratman_Den2.jpg','title':'Ratman Den2.jpg','dbKey':'Ratman_Den2.jpg'},{'thumbUrl':'https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/half-life/images/1/1d/Tc18_den.jpg/revision/latest/zoom-crop/width/240/height/240?cb=20100611162304&path-prefix=en','thumbHtml':'nnnntnttnntntnntntnntntnnn</picture>nntntnntnntnnn</a>nn','caption':'The third Ratman den, near Test Chamber 18.','linkHref':'/wiki/File:Tc18_den.jpg','title':'Tc18 den.jpg','dbKey':'Tc18_den.jpg'},{'thumbUrl':'https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/half-life/images/a/a9/Ratman_den_escape0.jpg/revision/latest/zoom-crop/width/240/height/240?cb=20100611170117&path-prefix=en','thumbHtml':'nnnntnttnntntnntntnntntnnn</picture>nntntnntnntnnn</a>nn','caption':'The fourth Ratman den, in the maintenance areas.','linkHref':'/wiki/File:Ratman_den_escape0.jpg','title':'Ratman den escape0.jpg','dbKey':'Ratman_den_escape0.jpg'},{'thumbUrl':'https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/half-life/images/1/14/Help_water.jpg/revision/latest/zoom-crop/width/240/height/240?cb=20100611161131&path-prefix=en','thumbHtml':'nnnntnttnntntnntntnntntnnn</picture>nntntnntnntnnn</a>nn','caption':'The fifth Ratman den, in the maintenance areas.','linkHref':'/wiki/File:Help_water.jpg','title':'Help water.jpg','dbKey':'Help_water.jpg'},{'thumbUrl':'https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/half-life/images/3/33/Ratman_escape_den_2.jpg/revision/latest/zoom-crop/width/240/height/240?cb=20100611163257&path-prefix=en','thumbHtml':'nnnntnttnntntnntntnntntnnn</picture>nntntnntnntnnn</a>nn','caption':'The sixth Ratman den, in the maintenance areas.','linkHref':'/wiki/File:Ratman_escape_den_2.jpg','title':'Ratman escape den 2.jpg','dbKey':'Ratman_escape_den_2.jpg'}]'>

Portal 2: Lab Rat

nntntnntntnntntnnn</picture>nntntnntnntnnn</a>nn','caption':'The cover of Lab Rat</i>, featuring Doug painting Chell on a wall.','linkHref':'/wiki/File:Lab_Rat_cover.jpg','title':'Lab Rat cover.jpg','dbKey':'Lab_Rat_cover.jpg'},{'thumbUrl':'https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/half-life/images/2/2f/Lab_Rat_p21.jpg/revision/latest/top-crop/width/320/height/320?cb=20110415205150&path-prefix=en','thumbHtml':'nnnntnttnntntnntntnntntnnn</picture>nntntnntnntnnn</a>nn','caption':'Rattmann putting Chell on top of the Test Subject list.','linkHref':'/wiki/File:Lab_Rat_p21.jpg','title':'Lab Rat p21.jpg','dbKey':'Lab_Rat_p21.jpg'},{'thumbUrl':'https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/half-life/images/5/5b/Doug_running.jpg/revision/latest/top-crop/width/320/height/320?cb=20110411101255&path-prefix=en','thumbHtml':'nnnntnttnntntnntntnntntnnn</picture>nntntnntnntnnn</a>nn','caption':'Rattmann running with his Cube shortly before Chell defeats GLaDOS.','linkHref':'/wiki/File:Doug_running.jpg','title':'Doug running.jpg','dbKey':'Doug_running.jpg'},{'thumbUrl':'https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/half-life/images/b/b7/Lab_Rat_p9.jpg/revision/latest/top-crop/width/240/height/240?cb=20110410110502&path-prefix=en','thumbHtml':'nnnntnttnntntnntntnntntnnn</picture>nntntnntnntnnn</a>nn','caption':'Doug witnessing GLaDOS' destruction.','linkHref':'/wiki/File:Lab_Rat_p9.jpg','title':'Lab Rat p9.jpg','dbKey':'Lab_Rat_p9.jpg'},{'thumbUrl':'https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/half-life/images/e/e5/Doug_chell_escort.jpg/revision/latest/zoom-crop/width/240/height/240?cb=20110416212204&path-prefix=en','thumbHtml':'nnnntnttnntntnntntnntntnnn</picture>nntntnntnntnnn</a>nn','caption':'Rattmann witnessing Chell being dragged away by the Party Escort Bot.','linkHref':'/wiki/File:Doug_chell_escort.jpg','title':'Doug chell escort.jpg','dbKey':'Doug_chell_escort.jpg'},{'thumbUrl':'https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/half-life/images/b/bb/Rattmann_Chell_Relaxation_Chamber.jpg/revision/latest/top-crop/width/240/height/240?cb=20110415214314&path-prefix=en','thumbHtml':'nnnntnttnntntnntntnntntnnn</picture>nntntnntnntnnn</a>nn','caption':'Rattmann looking at Chell sleeping in her Relaxation Chamber.','linkHref':'/wiki/File:Rattmann_Chell_Relaxation_Chamber.jpg','title':'Rattmann Chell Relaxation Chamber.jpg','dbKey':'Rattmann_Chell_Relaxation_Chamber.jpg'},{'thumbUrl':'https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/half-life/images/a/a0/Lab_Rat_p26.jpg/revision/latest/top-crop/width/240/height/240?cb=20110415204931&path-prefix=en','thumbHtml':'nnnntnttnntntnntntnntntnnn</picture>nntntnntnntnnn</a>nn','caption':'Doug resting in a Relaxation Vault after saving Chell.','linkHref':'/wiki/File:Lab_Rat_p26.jpg','title':'Lab Rat p26.jpg','dbKey':'Lab_Rat_p26.jpg'}]'>Lab Rat, featuring Doug painting Chell on a wall.'>

Graffiti list

Texture image Location found Transcription Comments
  • Test Chamber 16.
  • Maintenance areas.

the cake is a lie.
the cake is a lie.
the cake is a lie.
the cake is a lie.
the cake is a lie
Hello? Can I help you?

Among two Aperture Science posters, Rattmann wrote five times 'the cake is a lie', drew a Weighted Storage Cube falling on a Sentry Gun through a Portal, the sentry gun is saying 'Hello? Can I help you?' as the cube falls, as well as what may be a GLaDOS Personality Core falling into the incinerator, with 180 days marked, and arrows directed to the Personality Core.
Test Chamber 17.

The vital apparatus vent will deliver.
oh it will
The weighted companion cube DOES speak.
Superstition, perceiving inanimate objects as alive, and hallucinations
I'm not hallucinating. You are.
The companion cube would never desert me. Dessert. So long...
Cake. Ha ha Cake. A lie.
The companion cube would never lie to me
Trust me
Login: cjohnson
Password: tier3

  • The text forms a heart around three portraits. One of them, actually a painted portrait of Sam Rayburn, is captioned with the words 'Our Founder', and has the letters 'R.I.P.' right beside; it is a portrait of Cave Johnson. The bottom left portrait is a photograph of Theodore 'Teddy' Roosevelt taken in 1904. The one on the right is a photograph of US president Calvin Coolidge. A 'The girls of Aperture Science' calendar dated 1983 is on the right, with hearts beside it.
  • The login name and password (which are referring to Cave Johnson and his three tiered program) may give an explanation as to how Rattmann opened up certain areas of the Test Chambers and gained access to other areas of the facility, etc. They are also the password and username for the administrative account on ApertureScience.com.
  • The following portion of text can be considered a conversation between GLaDOS and Rattman, with the Italicised lines being GLaDOS' words

The vital apparatus vent will deliver.
oh it will
The weighted companion cube DOES speak.
Superstition, perceiving inanimate objects as alive, and hallucinations
I'm not hallucinating. You are.
The companion cube would never desert me. Dessert. So long...
Cake. Ha ha Cake. A lie.
The companion cube would never lie to me
Trust me

Test Chamber 17.

Where are you? I will find you.
You said to take care of it.
How can I
You wouldn't let me.
I should disregard your advice. Leave me alone!
Though earth and man are gone,
I thought the cube would last forever.

  • The left part consists of separate words mixed with hearts and pictures of the Companion Cube in situ.
  • In 'COMPANION CUBE', every alternate letter is black or red.
  • 'You said to take care of it...' is written around an Aperture Science poster, with the picture of a Companion Cube pasted on the head of the poster's stick figure.
  • 'I should disregard your advice. Leave me alone!' and 'STOP WATCHING' are probably addressed to GLaDOS.
  • 'Though earth and man are gone' is an extract from Emily Brontë's poem 'No Coward Soul Is Mine'. It may refer to either the Combine rule over Earth or his isolation due to GLaDOS' lockdown of the Aperture Laboratories.
  • 'I thought the cube would last forever.' and 'I WAS WRONG' is a pastiche of the third verse of W. H. Auden's 'Funeral Blues', 'I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong.'
Test Chamber 17.

Because I could not stop for Death,
He kindly stopped for me
The cube had food and maybe ammo
and immortality.
Why? (written in red 18 times with several question marks)
Not in cruelty,
Not in wrath,
The REAPER came today;
An ANGEL visited
this gray path,
And took the cube away.

  • The original picture of the family with Companion Cubes pasted on their heads, titled 'Family watching television', was taken around 1958, and it part of the National Archives and Records Administration photo archives.
  • The left paragraph, written under the family picture with Companion Cubes pasted on their heads, is a pastiche of 'Because I could not stop for Death' by Emily Dickinson:
Because I could not stop for Death,
He kindly stopped for me;
The Carriage held but just Ourselves
And Immortality.
  • 'Why? Why? Why?' surrounds a Companion Cube with a skull replacing the heart, referring to the death of the cube.
  • The right paragraph, written above a dead Companion Cube with wings and a halo like angels, is a pastiche of 'The Reaper and the Flowers' by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (these are sold on a t-shirt at the Valve Store):
O, not in cruelty, not in wrath,
The Reaper came that day;
'Twas an angel visited the green earth,
And took the flowers away.
  • Test Chamber 16.
  • Maintenance areas.
    (testchmb_a_15 and escape_01)

the cake is a lie.
the cake is a lie.
the cake is a lie.
the cake is a lie

Test Chamber 16.
Used in Test Chamber 16 to indicate where to place portals to defeat the Sentry Guns.
  • Test Chamber 16.
  • Maintenance areas.
Used in Test Chamber 16 to indicate where to place portals to defeat the Sentry Guns. Also used to cross out the cake image in the fourth Ratman den.
  • Test Chamber 16.
  • Test Chamber 17.
  • Maintenance areas.
    (testchmb_a_15 and escape_01)
Help Used several times. Rattmann was desperately asking for help.
  • Test Chamber 16.
  • Test Chamber 17.
  • Maintenance areas.
    (testchmb_a_15 and escape_01)
Found in most places where Rattmann has been. It is used for the 'Rat's Tale' Achievement logo featured in Portal: Still Alive.
  • Test Chamber 17.
  • Test Chamber 18.
  • Maintenance areas.


Refers to GLaDOS watching Test Subjects through the security cameras.
Test Chamber 18.
Another way Rattmann chose to show he does not believe in the cake anymore.
Maintenance areas.
(testchmb_a_15, escape_00 and escape_01)
Used several times to indicate an exit. Mocks the standard stick figure exit sign.
Maintenance areas.
(escape_00 and escape_01)
Over here Used several times to indicate directions.
Maintenance areas.
(testchmb_a_15, escape_00 and escape_01)
Used several times to indicate directions. Its orientation may vary.
Maintenance areas.
(escape_01 and escape_02)
It is the only Ratman scribbling seen in the last maintenance area map, right before the Sentry Gun ambush, and therefore the very last Ratman scribbling.
  • Test Chamber 16.
  • Test Chamber 17.
  • Maintenance areas.
Official Aperture Science propaganda poster, promoting the 'tasty' cake.
  • Test Chamber 16.
  • Maintenance areas.
Official Aperture Science propaganda poster, with the motto 'A Trusted Friend in Science'. It is sold at the Valve Store.
  • Test Chamber 17.
  • Test Chamber 18.
  • Maintenance areas.
    (testchmb_a_15 and escape_01)
Official Aperture Science propaganda poster, with the motto 'Not Never But NOW'. It is sold at the Valve Store.
Test Chamber 18.
Official Aperture Science propaganda poster, with the motto 'Courage is Not the Absence of Fear'. It is sold at the Valve Store.

List of appearances

  • Portal(Scribblings only)(First appearance)
  • Portal: Still Alive(Scribblings only)(Non-canonical appearance)
  • Portal ARG(First identified as Doug Rattmann)
  • Portal 2(Scribblings and voice only)


Half-Life Wiki has more images related to Doug Rattmann.
  1. 1.01.1Special Edition Podcast: Portal 2 - podcast on Game Informer
  2. ARG
  3. 2: Lab Rat
  4. Expanding the World of Portal 2 on IGN
  5. Portal commentary
  6. Aperture Science: A History on Game Informer
  7. Schizophrenia on Wikipedia
  8. Portal 2 Announced - March 5, 2010 - on Steampowered.com

External links

  • Portal 2 Rat Man Den Locations on YouTube (from Gamefront.com)
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Aperture Science
PersonnelCaroline · Chell · Henry · Cave Johnson · Doug Rattmann · Test Subject · Test Subject 042 · Test Subject 234 · Minor Aperture Science employees
Technology1500 Megawatt Heavy Duty Super-Colliding Super Button · Advanced Knee Replacement · Aerial Faith Plate · Announcement System · Borealis · Core Input Receptacle · Crusher · Edgeless Safety Cube · Edgeless Safety Cube Receptacle · Emergency Intelligence Incinerator · Excursion Funnel · Handheld Portal Device · Hard Light Bridge · High Energy Pellet · Laser Field · Long Fall Boot · Material Emancipation Grill · Mobility Gels: Conversion Gel / Propulsion Gel / Repulsion Gel · Multitasking Arm · Pipe Network · Pneumatic Diversity Vent · Panel · Cube Button · Radio · Reassembly Machine · Relaxation Vault · Security Camera · Scaling Cube · Shredder · Speaker System · Stasis Chamber · Switch · Teleportation · Thermal Discouragement Beam · Unstationary Scaffold · Victory Lift · Vital Apparatus Vent · Weighted Pivot Cube · Weighted Storage Cube
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LocationsBorealis · Employee Daycare Center · Enrichment Center · Enrichment Shafts: Co-op Test Shaft / Test Shaft 09 · Extended Relaxation Annex · Extended Relaxation Center · Central AI Chamber · Hub · Incinerator Room · Neurotoxin Generator · Testing Tracks: GLaDOS' Testing Track (Portal) / GLaDOS' Testing Track (Portal 2) / Wheatley's Testing Track / Cooperative Testing Courses · Turret Manufacturing
OtherAperture Science Collaborative Disposition Test · ApertureScience.com · The cake · Enrichment Center Test Subject Application Process · GLaDOS' screen images · Hoopie · Karla the Complainer · Mantis Man
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