Dragon Age 2 Cheat Mods

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Console Cheats. To do these cheats, you have to edit a shortcut to the game (da2.exe). Go to the binship directory (usually in c: Program Files Dragon Age 2 binship), and make a shortcut to da2.exe. Right click on the shortcut link and then select Properties. Then go to the Target field and add the following option. PC Submitted by CheatPlanet Dragon Age 2 Console Cheats. PC Dev console. 1 minute attribute buff, where x is attribute and y is amount: runscript dbgsetattrib x y. Add experience points to your character(s) for faster leveling up: runscript addxp. Allows you to add any member to your party: runscript zzdaedebug.

Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ
Cheat Codes

Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the 'KeyBindings.ini' file in the 'Users[your name]DocumentsBioWareDragon Age 2Settings' directory. Change the 'OpenConsole_0=' line to 'OpenConsole_0=Keyboard::Button_`'.

Next, Right-click on the 'da2.exe' file that is used to launch the game. Click on 'Properties', and then add the '-enabledeveloperconsole' command line to end of the 'Target' field. Make sure there is a space between the last quotation mark in the 'Target' field and the added command line. While playing the game, press ~ to display the console window. Then, type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: The console window and typed codes will not appear onscreen.

For the Steam version of the game, Right-click the 'Dragon Age 2' option, and select 'Properties' under the 'My Games' Steam tab. In the 'General' tab, select 'Set Launch Options', enter '-enabledeveloperconsole' in that field, and accept it. While playing the game, press ~ to display the console window. Then, type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: The console window and typed codes will not appear onscreen.

Result Cheat Code
Invincibilityrunscript pc_immortal
Set main character's (self) Strength and Dexterity to 50 and Mana or Stamina to 1,000runscript zz_supercrit player
Set character's Strength and Dexterity to 50 and Mana or Stamina to 1,000 [Note]runscript zz_supercrit gen00fl_[character name]
Add indicated amount of experience pointsrunscript addxp [number]
Add indicated amount of goldrunscript addmoney [number]
Add any member to your partyrunscript zz_dae_debug
Heal player or partyrunscript healplayer
Remove all injuries from partyrunscript injury remparty
Remove all injuries from selfrunscript injury remall
Kill all enemies in arearunscript killallhostiles
Character animates a random finishing blow based on current weaponrunscript zz_deathblow
Knock back enemies and form a shield around yourunscript bowlingforferelden
180 seconds increase of indicated attribute by indicated amount; attributes are in order, with 1 STR, 2 DEX, etc.runscript dbg_setattrib [1-6] [number]
Open special interface allowing adjustment to companion's Friendship/Rivalry levelrunscript zz_app_debug
Change player to level 2 Magerunscript chargen mage
Change player to level 2 Roguerunscript chargen rogue
Change player to level 2 Warriorrunscript chargen warrior
Display Enchantment menurunscript zz_upgrade
All achievementsrunscript cheater

Note: For example, enter 'runscript zz_supercrit gen00fl_merrill' for Merrill.

Blood Dragon armor

Have a saved game file from Dragon Age: Origins to unlock the Blood Dragon armor.

Infinite money and experience

Successfully complete any side quest that does not activate a cutscene when receiving your reward (for example, the 'South-Song' Gerralt's Corpse side quest or any 'Find And Deliver' side quest), then save the game. Draw your weapon, and approach the NPC. While your character is putting away their weapon to talk to the NPC, rapidly press [Action] to get unlimited money and EXP. You can keep doing this until you move your character. Repeat this as many times as desired. Note: This glitch was done on an unpatched version of the game.

Infinite ability pointsAge

Obtain as many 'Makers Sigh' potions as possible. Then, assign all your available abilities to your tactics menu. Next, use a 'Makers Sigh' potion, then save the game. Load your saved game file, and go into the ability menu. The abilities you assigned to your tactics will be unlocked, but you will still have all your unassigned ability points. Assign your points to other abilities, put them in your tactics menu, then repeat the process again. Repeat this as many times as desired. Note: This glitch also allows you to unlock certain abilities in classes without having to go through the entire skill tree.

Note: This glitch requires access to 'The Black Emporium' downloadable content and money available to purchase the 'Makers Sigh' potion that resets all ability points and attributes. Hawke comes preloaded with preset skills he will always retain; thus, when you use the 'Makers Sigh' potion, save, and reload the saved game file, Hawke's abilities will be filled again. Do the following to get unlimited ability points. Use the 'Makers Sigh' potion, then save the game. Load your saved game file, and you will now have the amount of ability points that were taken away and Hawke's abilities will be set back to the default levels. For a Rogue, it will be approximately four to five points in the Dual Wield tree. Use another 'Makers Sigh' potion, and repeat the process as many times as desired.

Infinite armor points

This glitch can be done at any point in the game with Hawke and Aveline. Simply equip, un-equip, and then re-equip a shield. Your armor number/percent will continue to increase. Repeat this as many times as desired. Note: This glitch was done on an unpatched version of the game.

Infinite rival points

Successfully complete Sebastian's 'Repentance' companion quest. Then, go back to the chantry. Do not talk with Sebastian; instead talk to the Grand Cleric. Keep selecting the 'You're useless' dialog option to get +5 rivalry for Sebastian each time. Repeat this as many times as desired. Note: This glitch was done on an unpatched version of the game.

Easy maximum stats

To get unlimited attribute points, you must be in Act 3 and have the ability to craft the Rune of Valiance. Get any two different pieces of equipment with at least one rune slot. Craft a Rune of Valiance onto both, making sure the amount of attributes added to each item is different. Equip both items. Remove the one that adds the most attributes first, then remove the other. Not all the attributes from the rune will be removed, and it will be permanently added to your character. Keep equipping both items and removing both items to continue getting attribute points until they max out all stats at 100.

Activating sustainable abilities simultaneously

To activate sustainable abilities that are not meant to be activated together (for example, Control and Might for Warriors), activate a sustainable ability, and before it is finished casting, activate the other sustainable ability. It should activate them both, and you should get the effects of both. This works for all sustainable abilities that are not meant to be activated simultaneously.

Recommended party configuration

It is best to plan your party from the start. While planning character roles, remember 'One to take it, one to deal, one to weaken, one to heal.' You should have a damager, tank, entropist, and healer. This will ensure you have one member taking all the damage and bringing the attention away from the rest of the party. Have an entropist (probably Merrill) to weaken and demoralize the enemy, a healer to strengthen and maintain the party, and a damager to inflict the pain. This will ensure a well rounded party that covers all aspects of combat.

Weapon and shield locations

Successfully complete the indicated task or search the indicated location to find the corresponding weapon or shield:

Warrior One-Handed Weapons: Act 1

Thudpucker's First

    Requirements: 28 Strength
    Location: Bonny Lem's Wares (Disused Passage)
    Damage: 20 Physical
    Weapon Stats: 1 Rune Slot, +57 Attack, and 5% Chance to Stun

Edge of Song and Glory

    Requirements: 24 Strength
    Location: Ser Karras (Gallows Courtyard, Act of Mercy)
    Damage: 16 Physical
    Weapon Stats: +47 Attack and +7% Physical Damage


    Requirements: 24 Strength
    Location: Weapon Shop (Gallows Courtyard)
    Damage: 16 Physical
    Weapon Stats: +4% Critical Chance and +4% Attack Speed

Notched Sword

    Requirements: 23 Strength
    Location: Weaponsmithy (Lowtown)
    Damage: 16 Physical
    Weapon Stats: +18 Mana/Stamina and +7% Physical Damage

Palvo's Cocksure Cleaver

    Requirements: 21 Strength
    Location: 'Captain' Qerth (Shallowguards Base, Night Lies)
    Damage: 12 Physical
    Weapon Stats: +38 Attack and +14% Threat Generation

Trust and Cut Blade

    Requirements: 21 Strength
    Location: Korval's Blades (Hightown)
    Damage: 12 Physical
    Weapon Stats: +38 Attack and +14% Threat Generation

Overland Render

    Requirements: 21 Strength
    Location: Ship Captain (The Docks at Night)
    Damage: 12 Physical
    Weapon Stats: +38 Attack and +4% Critical Chance

Desdemona's Blade (DLC only)

    Requirements: 25 Strength
    Location: Emporium's Relics and Antiques (Black Emporium)
    Damage: 17 Nature
    Weapon Stats: 2 Rune Slots and +50 Attack

Warrior One-Handed Weapons: Act 2



    Requirements: 38 Strength
    Location: Quest reward for defeating the Arishok (Viscount's Keep, Demands for the Qun)
    Damage: 29 Fire
    Weapon Stats: 1 Rune Slot, +94 Attack, +8% Physical Damage, and +8% Magic Resistance

Windsong Axe

    Requirements: 35 Strength
    Location: Nexus Golem's Wares (Abandoned Thaig)
    Damage: 27 Physical
    Weapon Stats: +5% Critical Chance, +12% Critical Damage, and +11 Electricity Damage

Markham Heart Stopper

    Requirements: 33 Strength
    Location: Weapon Shop (Gallows Courtyard)
    Damage: 27 Physical
    Weapon Stats: +5% Critical Chance, +12% Critical Damage, and Messy Kills

Red Earth Long One

    Requirements: 32 Strength
    Location: Bartrand (Bartrand's Mansion, Family Matter)
    Damage: 25 Physical
    Weapon Stats: +76 Attack and +5 Fire Damage

Darktown Blade

    Requirements: 30 Strength
    Location: Weaponsmithy (Lowtown)
    Damage: 23 Physical
    Weapon Stats: 1 Rune Slot and +4% Critical Chance


    Requirements: 30 Strength
    Location: Innley of Starkhaven (Sundermount, Bounty Hunter)
    Damage: 21 Physical
    Weapon Stats: 1 Rune Slot, +61 Attack, +8% Physical Damage, and Messy Kills

Sundarin Thunder

    Requirements: 28 Strength
    Location: Chest (Deep Roads, Fool's Gold)
    Damage: 20 Physical
    Weapon Stats: +438 Electricity Resistance and +4 Electricity Damage

Royeaux One and Two

    Requirements: 22 Strength
    Location: Amaranthine Conspirator (Sundermount, The Conspirators)
    Damage: 13 Physical
    Weapon Stats: 1 Rune Slot, +41 Attack, and +4% Critical Chance

Fade's Fury (DLC only)

    Requirements: 34 Strength
    Location: Desire Demon (Harimann Estate, Repentance)
    Damage: 25 Physical
    Weapon Stats: 2 Rune Slots, +5% Critical Chance, and +3 Spirit Damage Across 2m

Warrior One-Handed Weapons: Act 3


    Requirements: 41 Strength
    Location: Hybris (Hidden Dungeon, The Awiergan Scrolls)
    Damage: 33 Electricity
    Weapon Stats: 1 Rune Slot, +166 Attack, +3 Armor, and 2.5% Chance to Enslave Normal Enemies

Aurvar's Prize

    Requirements: 41 Strength
    Location: Chest (Deep Roads, Finding Nathaniel)
    Damage: 33 Physical
    Weapon Stats: 1 Rune Slot, +116 Attack, +3 Armor, and +17% Threat Generation

The Vague Blade

    Requirements: 41 Strength
    Location: Chest (Blood Mage Refuge, The Last Holdouts)
    Damage: 33 Physical
    Weapon Stats: 3 Rune Slots and Enemies Cannot Dodge Attacks


    Requirements: 39 Strength
    Location: Quest Reward (The Lost Swords)
    Damage: 31 Physical
    Weapon Stats: +100 Attack, +4% Attack Speed, +20% Chance of Deathblows, and +9 Damage vs. Humans

Sword of the Antaam

    Requirements: 38 Strength
    Location: Lirene's Fereldan Imports (Lowtown)
    Damage: 32 Physical
    Weapon Stats: 1 Rune Slot, +108 Attack, and +10 Damage vs. Humans

The Weight

    Requirements: 38 Strength
    Location: High Dragon (The Bone Pit, Mine Massacre)
    Damage: 29 Physical
    Weapon Stats: 1 Rune Slot, +94 Attack, +11 Fortitude, and 5% Chance to Knock Back

City Guard Sword

    Requirements: 36 Strength
    Location: Weapon Shop (Gallows Courtyard)
    Damage: 29 Physical
    Weapon Stats: 1 Rune Slot, +94 Attack, and +4% Attack Speed

Raider Sword

    Requirements: 36 Strength
    Location: Shady Merchandise (The Docks)
    Damage: 29 Physical
    Weapon Stats: 1 Rune Slot, +5% Critical Chance, and +12% Critical Damage

The Bringer of Silence

    Requirements: 36 Strength
    Location: Quest Reward (Finding Nathaniel)
    Damage: 28 Physical
    Weapon Stats: 1 Rune Slot, +5% Critical Chance, +12% Critical Damage, and +5% Chance to Dispel Hostile Magic

Woodsman's Ire

    Requirements: 35 Strength
    Location: Jess 'Leashmaster' Varvel (Run Down Alley, Reining It In)
    Damage: 27 Physical
    Weapon Stats: 1 Rune Slot, +32 Health, +81 Attack, and +16% Threat Generation

Perrin's Nail

    Requirements: 32 Strength
    Location: Korval's Blades (Hightown)
    Damage: 25 Physical
    Weapon Stats: 1 Rune Slot, +76 Attack, and +19% Healing to This Character

The Wailer

    Requirements: 28 Strength
    Location: Veld (The Sink, Gamlen's Greatest Treasure)
    Damage: 20 Physical
    Weapon Stats: +4% Critical Chance, +11% Critical Damage, and +8% Physical Damage

Blade of a Thousand Battles (DLC only)

    Requirements: 42 Strength
    Location: Emporium's Relics and Antiques (Black Emporium)
    Damage: 35 Physical
    Weapon Stats: 2 Rune Slots, +5 Critical Chance, +8% Physical Damage, and 5% Chance to Knock Back

Warrior Two-Handed Weapons: Act 1


    Requirements: 30 Strength
    Location: Chest (Deep Roads, The Deep Roads Expedition)
    Damage: 26 Physical
    Weapon Stats: 1 Rune Slot, +82 Attack, +23% Healing to This Character

Caskhead's Portable Anvil

    Requirements: 25 Strength
    Location: Chest (Deep Roads, The Deep Roads Expedition)
    Damage: 20 Physical
    Weapon Stats: +63 Attack and 5% Chance to Knock Back

Red Grace

    Requirements: 24 Strength
    Location: Chest (Tal-Vashoth Cavern, Blackpowder Promise)
    Damage: 18 Physical
    Weapon Stats: +59 Attack and +4 Fire Damage

The Ream-Ward

    Requirements: 23 Strength
    Location: Tevinter Hunter Captain (Lowtown at Night, Bait and Switch)
    Damage: 17 Physical
    Weapon Stats: +55 Attack and +9% Physical Damage

Templar Great Sword

    Requirements: 21 Strength
    Location: Weapon Shop (Gallows Courtyard)
    Damage: 14 Physical
    Weapon Stats: +4% Attack Speed and +3 Fire Damage

Warrior Two-Handed Weapons: Act 2

Void's Hammer

    Requirements: 33 Strength
    Location: Magnus's Wares (The Wounded Coast)
    Damage: 28 Physical
    Weapon Stats: 1 Rune Slot, +6% Critical Chance, +5% Attack Speed, and +3% Physical Damage Across 2m

The Brothers' End

    Requirements: 31 Strength
    Location: Elven Fanatic (Side Alley, Blackpowder Courtesy)
    Damage: 28 Physical
    Weapon Stats: +88 Attack and +10% Physical Damage

Warrior Two-Handed Weapons: Act 3


    Requirements: 41 Strength
    Location: Nexus Golem's Wares (Hidden Dungeon)
    Damage: 38 Electricity
    Weapon Stats: +6% Critical Chance, +16% Critical Damage, +10% Physical Damage, and +5 Mana/Stamina Regeneration Rate

The Celebrant

    Requirements: 41 Strength
    Location: Beacon (Sundermount, The Awiergan Scrolls)
    Damage: 38 Spirit
    Weapon Stats: 1 Rune Slot, +3 Strength, +3 Willpower, and +21% Threat Generation

Warrior Shields: Act 1


    Requirements: 20 Strength and 20 Constitution
    Location: Dragon (Deep Roads, The Deep Roads Expedition)
    Armor: 86
    Shield Stats: +9 Armor and +8 Fortitude


    Requirements: 18 Strength and 18 Constitution
    Location: Revenant (Long Way Home)
    Armor: 72
    Shield Stats: +41 Attack and +7% Physical Damage

Kirkwall Shield

    Requirements: 18 Strength and 18 Constitution
    Location: Armor Merchant (Lowtown)
    Armor: 72
    Shield Stats: +20 Defense and +7 Armor

The Bann's Backhouse Door

    Requirements: 18 Strength and 18 Constitution
    Location: Coterie Leader (Lowtown at Night)
    Armor: 72
    Shield Stats: 1 Rune Slot and +17 Health

Markham Head Stopper

    Requirements: 18 Strength and 18 Constitution
    Location: Korval's Blades (Hightown)
    Armor: 66
    Shield Stats: +38 Attack and +7 Armor

Fereldan Soldier's Shield

    Requirements: 12 Strength and 12 Constitution
    Location: Dead Refugee (Prologue: Blightlands)
    Armor: 37
    Shield Stats: None

Lady Rosamund's Bulwark (DLC only)

    Requirements: 20 Strength and 20 Constitution
    Location: Emporium's Relics and Antiques (Black Emporium)
    Armor: 86
    Shield Stats: 3 Rune Slots

Warrior Shields: Act 2

Shield of Knight Herself

    Requirements: 34 Strength, 28 Constitution and Aveline
    Location: Ser Varnell's Refuse (Offered and Lost)
    Armor: 190
    Shield Stats: 1 Rune Slot, +88 Attack, +5% Critical Chance, 100% of basic attack damage vs. enemies that attack in melee

Darkspawn Shield

    Requirements: 23 Strength and 23 Constitution
    Location: Weaponsmithy (Lowtown)
    Armor: 122
    Shield Stats: +4 Mana/Stamina Regeneration Rate and +489 Fire Resistance

Warrior Shields: Act 3

Shield of the Resolute

    Requirements: 31 Strength and 31 Constitution
    Location: Pile of Bones (Templar Hall, The Last Straw)
    Armor: 248
    Shield Stats: 2 Rune Slots, +25 Armor, and +8% Magic Resistance

Mage's Friend (DLC only)

    Requirements: 32 Strength and 32 Constitution
    Location: Faith Quest
    Armor: 271
    Shield Stats: 3 Rune Slots and +17% Magic Resistance

Rogue Dual Weapons: Act 1

Blade of Red Birth

    Requirements: 25 Dexterity
    Location: Chest (Deep Roads, The Deep Roads Expedition)
    Damage: 22 Physical
    Weapon Stats: 1 Rune Slot, +38 Attack, and +4 Fire Damage

Rogue Dual Weapons: Act 2

Coterie Shiv

    Requirements: 31 Dexterity
    Location: Weaponsmithy (Lowtown)
    Damage: 30 Physical
    Weapon Stats: +9% Critical Damage, 25% Chance to Reduce Attack Speed, and 25% Chance to Reduce Movement Speed

Rogue Dual Weapons: Act 3

Carta's Right-Hand

    Requirements: 41 Dexterity
    Location: Hanker (Decrepit Alley, Kind of Want)
    Damage: 42 Physical
    Weapon Stats: +87 Attack, +4% Critical Chance, +10% Critical Damage, and +5% Chance to Stun

Rogue Bows: Act 1


    Requirements: 25 Dexterity
    Location: Mature Dragon (Bone Pit Ledge, The Bone Pit)
    Damage: 70 Physical
    Weapon Stats: +63 Attack and +7 Nature Damage Across 2m

Rogue Bows: Act 2

The Runner's Retort

    Requirements: 35 Dexterity
    Location: Street Thung (Lowtown at Night, The Fixer)
    Damage: 113 Physical
    Weapon Stats: +109 Attack, +6% Critical Chance, 25% Chance to Reduce Attack Speed, and 25% Chance to Reduce Movement Speed

Rogue Bows: Act 3


    Requirements: 41 Dexterity
    Location: Nexus Golem's Wares (Hidden Dungeon)
    Damage: 134 Physical
    Weapon Stats: 1 Rune Slot, +6% Critical Chance, +16% Critical Damage, and +27 Nature Damage

Mage Staves: Act 1

Acolyte's Staff

    Requirements: 31 Magic
    Location: Apparel Shop (Lowtown)
    Damage: 33 Physical
    Weapon Stats: +5 Mana/Stamina Regeneration Rate, +14% Fire Damage, and +178 Fire Resistance


    Requirements: None
    Location: Crypt Treasure (Ancient Crypt, The Deep Roads Expedition)
    Damage: 28 Spirit
    Weapon Stats: 1 Rune Slot, +2 Willpower, and +5 Mana/Stamina Regeneration Rate

Staff of the Primal Order

Dragon age 2 cheat mods 2017
    Requirements: 28 Magic
    Location: Bonny Lem's Wares (Disused Passage)
    Damage: 28 Cold
    Weapon Stats: 1 Rune Slot, +14% Fire Damage, and +14% Cold Damage

Stone's Breath

    Requirements: None
    Location: Reward for saving Sandal (The Deep Roads Expedition)
    Damage: 26 Spirit
    Weapon Stats: 1 Rune Slot, +13% Spirit Damage, and 5% Chance to Knock Back

The Hypnotist's Staff

    Requirements: None
    Location: Decimus (Runaway's Cavern, Act of Mercy)
    Damage: 22 Electricity
    Weapon Stats: +59 Attack and +8% Magic Resistance

Chanters' Staff

    Requirements: None
    Location: Reward from Grace (Act of Mercy)
    Damage: 22 Spirit
    Weapon Stats: +24 Mana/Stamina and +21% Healing by this character

The Turncoat's Walking Stick

    Requirements: None
    Location: Mage Goods (Gallows Courtyard)
    Damage: 17 Fire
    Weapon Stats: +48 Attack and +12% Fire Damage

Mage Staves: Act 2


    Requirements: 35 Magic
    Location: Magnus's Wares (The Wounded Coast)
    Damage: 37 Cold
    Weapon Stats: +6 Magic, +40 Mana/Stamina, +10 Mana/Stamina Regeneration Rate, +30% Cold Damage, and Blood Magic (each point of health provides 1 additional mana)

Mage Staves: Act 3

Dragon Age 2 Cheats Pc

Staff of Violation

    Requirements: None
    Location: Orsino (Gallows Prison)
    Damage: 41 Spirit
    Weapon Stats: +3 Willpower, +15% Spirit Damage, and 2.5% Chance to Infect with Walking Bomb
Companion locations

The following is a list of how to obtain all eight companions as well as information about them, their armor upgrades, and gifts:


    Class: Mage
    Recruitment: He is mandatory and joins your party early in Act 1 after Tranquility is complete.
    Can He Leave Your Party?: Yes, and on more than one occasion.
    Personality Conflicts: He does not get along well with Carver, Fenris, and Sebastian.
    Core Companion Quests: 'Tranquility', 'Dissent', 'Justice'

    Armor upgrades:

      Act 2: Armor Suits can be bought at Lirene's Ferelden Imports in Lowtown.
      Act 2: Lyrium Weave can be bought at Mage Goods in Gallows Courtyard.
      Act 2: Spirit Essence can be found during the 'Dissent' quest.
      Act 3: Sigil of the Mage Underground can be found during the 'Best Served Cold' quest.

    Gifts: Tevinter Chantry Amulet can be found in Act 2 during the 'A Bitter Pill' quest.


    Class: Warrior
    Recruitment: She is mandatory and joins your party during the Prologue.
    Can She Leave You?: Yes, but not until 'The Last Straw' quest.
    Personality Conflicts: She will not approve if you fully support Merrill in her companion quests.
    Core Companion Quests: 'The Way It Should Be', 'The Long Road', and 'Favor and Fault'.

    Armor upgrades:

      Act 1: Underpadding - Guardsman Pattern can be bought at the Armor Stand in Lowtown.
      Act 2: Impact Plating - Guardsman Pattern can be bought at the Armor Stand in Lowtown.
      Act 2: Flex-Chain - Guardsman Pattern can be found during the 'Raiders on the Cliffs' quest.
      Act 3: Deflecting Joints - Guardsman Pattern can be found during the 'Favor and Fault' quest.

    Gifts: The Shield of the Knight Herself can be found in Act 2 during the 'Offered and Lost' quest.

Bethany and Carver

    Class: Mage (Bethany), Warrior (Carver)
    Recruitment: They are both mandatory and join your party at the beginning of the game.
    Can They Leave Your Party?: Yes, there will be an unavoidable incident to one of them in the Prologue. The surviving sibling member cannot continue to stay with you beyond the end of Act 1.
    Personality Conflicts: Bethany will clash with Fenris in Mage-related quests. Carver will clash with Anders and Merrill in Mage storylines.
    Core Companion Quests: 'Birthright'

    Armor upgrades:

      Act 1 - Carver: Fereldan Girded Plating can be found during the 'Birthright' quest.
      Act 1 - Bethany: Heirloom Amell Protective Sigils can be found during the 'Birthright' quest.

    Gifts: Tobrius's Documents for Carver and Portrait of Your Mother for Bethany can both be found during the 'Birthright' quest.


    Class: Warrior
    Recruitment: He is optional and can be acquired by completing the 'A Bitter Pill' quest in Act 1.
    Can He Leave Your Party?: Yes, and on more than one occasion.
    Personality Conflicts: He will have issues with anyone wearing robes or wielding a staff including Hawke.
    Core Companion Quests: 'Bait and Switch', 'A Bitter Pill', and 'Alone'.

    Armor upgrades:

      Act 2: Tevinter Spirit Symbol can be bought at Robes by Jean Luc in Hightown.
      Act 2: Lyrium Scales can be bought at Shady Merchandise at the Docks.
      Act 2: Reinforced Straps can be found during the 'A Bitter Pill' quest.
      Act 3: Enchanted Resin can be found during the 'Mine Massacre' quest.


      The Book of Shartan can be bought in Act 2 at Elven Alienage in Lowtown.
      Blade of Mercy can be found in Act 3 during the 'Best Served Cold' quest.

IsabelaEcu tuning program.

    Class: Rogue
    Recruitment: She is optional and can be acquired by completing the 'Fools Rush In' quest, which can be started at The Hanged Man once you have completed the 'Tranquility' main quest.
    Can She Leave Your Party?: Yes, there are three times when she can leave you at the climax of Act 2.
    Personality Conflicts: There is a slight variance of opinion regarding law and order with Aveline, but nothing to worry about.
    Core Companion Quests: 'Fools Rush In', 'To Catch a Thief', and 'No Rest for the Wicked'.

    Armor upgrades:

      Act 2: Rigid Boning can be bought at the Apparel Shop in Lowtown.
      Act 2: Supportive Corselet can be bought at Robes by Jean Luc in Hightown.
      Act 2: Lambswool Insoles can be found during the 'To Catch a Thief' quest.
      Act 3: Boiled Leather Plates can be found during the 'A Murder of Crows' quest.


      Ship in a Bottle can be found in Act 2 during the 'Blackpowder Courtesy' quest.
      Rivaini Talisman can be found in Act 3 during the 'Disused Passage' quest.


Note: If you do not choose the Mage class for Hawke, Merrill may represent your party's best choice for destructive magical damage.

    Class: Mage
    Recruitment: She is mandatory and is enlisted by completing 'Long Way Home' at the start of Act 1.
    Can She Leave Your Party?: Yes, but not until 'The Last Straw' quest.
    Personality Conflicts: She will clash with Fenris and Carver in Mage-oriented storylines. You will make your other companions upset if you complete her companion quests in Act 2 and 3.
    Core Companion Quests: 'Long Way Home', 'Mirror Image', and 'A New Path'.

    Armor upgrades:

      Act 2: Samite Lining can be bought at Robes by Jean Luc in Hightown.
      Act 2: Carved Ironwood Buttons can be bought at Ilen's Crafts in Sundermount.
      Act 2: Silver-Threaded Dalish Embroidery can be found during the 'Top of Sundermount' quest.
      Act 3: Halla Horn Buckles can be found during the 'A New Path' quest.


      Wooden Halla Carving can be bought in Act 2 at Ilen's Crafts in Sundermount.
      Sylvanwood Ring can be found on the remains of the Thief Leader in Act 3 during the 'A Murder of Crows' quest.


    Class: Rogue
    Recruitment: 'The Exiled Prince' bonus downloadable content is required to obtain him. He is optional and can be acquired by completing the 'Duty' quest in Act 1 and the 'Repentance' quest in Act 2.
    Can He Leave Your Party?: Yes, but only during 'The Last Straw' quest.
    Personality Conflicts: He does not like Anders.
    Core Companion Quests: 'Duty', 'Repentance', and 'Faith'.

    Armor upgrades:

      Act 2: Enchanted Articulation can be bought at the Armor Shop in Gallows Courtyard.
      Act 2: Reinforced Bracers can be bought at Olaf's Armory in Hightown.
      Act 2: Mail Undertunic can be found during the 'Repentance' quest.
      Act 3: Protection of the Faith can be found during the 'Best Served Cold' quest.

    Gifts: Starkhaven Longbow can be found in Act 2 during the 'Repentance' quest.


Dragon Age 2 Mods Xbox

Varric carries a fixed weapon, the Biance, which is a crossbow that increases in power as he gains levels. He is an archer that can offer a potent combination of AoE assaults and debilitating attacks that give your party a unique tactical edge.

    Class: Rogue
    Recruitment: He is mandatory and joins your party at the start of Act 1.
    Can He Leave Your Party?: No.
    Personality Conflicts: None, as he works well with everyone.
    Core Companion Quests: 'Family Matter' and 'Haunted'

    Armor upgrades:

      Act 1: Inscribed Leather Harness can be bought at the Apparel Shop in Lowtown.
      Act 2: Coat Lining with Concealed Pockets can be bought at Shady Merchandise at the Docks.
      Act 2: Silverite-Reinforced Buckles can be found during the 'Family Matter' quest.
      Act 3: Drakeskin Leg Straps can be found during the 'Finding Nathaniel' quest.

    Gifts: The Tethras Signet Ring can be found in Act 2 during the 'Trinkets Emporium in Lowtown' quest.

Jade Empire reference

During a random conversation between Fenris and Varric, Fenris asks him 'Who is Bianca?' When Varric tells him it is a crossbow, Fenris says that he must have named it after someone, to which Varric replies, 'Nope, Mirabelle was taken', a reference to the rifle owned by Sir Roderick Von Fontlebottom, The Magnificent Bastard from Jade Empire.

Joss Whedon reference

During random companion dialogue between Anders and Isabella in the city, she mentions that abominations are easy to escape because they make loud noises like 'Grr Argh', which Anders refutes saying 'Abominations do not go Grr Argh.' During the ending credits of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Joss Whedon's 'Mutant Enemy Productions' credit screen shows a little monster which says 'Grr Argh?'

Sir Mixalot reference

Take Isabella into the fade in the desire section. The demon will seduce her with the prospect of a boat in the harbor. When Isabella turns on you, she will say 'I like big boats and I cannot lie', which is a reference to Sir Mixalot's 'I Like Big Butts' song.

The Mask reference

In the 'Prime Suspect' quest when you meet Mr. Dupries, have Varric in your party. Give the sarcastic response of letting Dupries talk his way out the situation. Varric will make the comment 'I bet 20 silver it's 'it wasn't me, it was the one-armed man'. This is a reference to The Mask when Jim Carey tries to defend his innocence when he gets captured.

Wizard Of Oz reference

In your home when your mother says that her children should be nobles now, your uncle says 'And if wishes were poppy we'd all be dreaming right now.'

Easy 'Chantry Historian' achievement
For the developer console in Dragon Age: Origins, see Console (Origins).

The developer console is an in-game command line tool that allows you to perform functions which are not normally possible (multiple classes, new items, kill all enemies on screen, immortality, etc.). Despite the name, the console is not available on console (i.e. ps3 or xbox360) versions of the games.


  • It is very important to note that all codes have the ability to potentially break your game and save files. Use the console with caution and remember to back up your files.
  • The console enabled prevents your data from syncing in the Keep. To solve this, run the game without the console. If your data still doesn't sync, try to force it by un-equipping an item from your character, saving your game, re-equipping the item and then saving again. Once your characters appear in the Keep, you may re-enable the console safely.
Note: Launching a game with console enabled seems to allow you to skip the Dragon EA logo (confirmed).

Enabling the console Edit

There are currently four ways to enable the console.

Making a shortcut Edit

Make a shortcut to your 'DragonAge2.exe' file (typically located in the C:Program Files (x86)Dragon Age IIbin_ship folder) on your desktop, Start Menu, or wherever. Right click on the shortcut, choose properties, then add the following to the end of line in the 'Target' field: -enabledeveloperconsole — it should look something like this:

Be sure that there is a single space between the last quotation mark and the hyphen.

Through Steam Edit

Locate the game in your Steam library, right click on it and select properties. From the properties screen, select 'Set Launch Options'. Add the following line to the textbox that appears: '-enabledeveloperconsole' without quotation marks and click ok. To use the console, launch the game through Steam (Unverified).

Through Origin Edit

Go to 'My Games' in Origin and find your Dragon Age II. Right click it, and select 'Game Properties'. In the field titled 'Command Line Arguments', put in -enabledeveloperconsole

By editing a game file Edit

Another option is to edit the file …Dragon Age IIdataDragonAge2Launcher.xml (i.e., within your Program Files folder). This will allow you to run the game from its normal shortcut, but requires you to edit a game file.

Note: Since the Origin download of this game does not create the necessary files to edit, this can only be done from retail disc install.

This should be done carefully. Make a backup of the file first. Then, find the line

<condition name='FirstRunCheck' type='FileExist' file='${USERDATA_DIR}SystemInformation.xml'>

The line below should be something like this:

<true action='execute' file='${BINARIES_DIR}DragonAge2.exe' path='${BINARIES_DIR}' autoquit='true' />

Add an attribute arguments='-enabledeveloperconsole' to it make it read

For Mac users, locate the file in your user library by going to

Library/Application Support/Dragon Age II/config

Right click to open the file with Text Edit

Copy and paste the following:

[AppDefaultsDragonAge2.exetransgaming]'cmdlineadd' = '-enabledeveloperconsole'

To the end of ~/Library/Application Support/Dragon Age II/config

Accessing the console Edit

Open the file 'BioWareDragon Age IISettingsKeyBindings.ini' in your 'My Documents' folder. Open the file in Notepad, then find the line that says 'OpenConsole_0=Keyboard::Button_X' (GRAVE is default, change X to any button that is not already used in the game). You can also leave it as 'Keyboard::Button_GRAVE' and then use the 'backtick' character, which is located under the tilde. For Steam it seems binding the console to Tilde doesn't work for some people. Try binding the console to F6 if all other options failed.

--- It seems that, at least in the Direct Download edition from EA, the tilde button is called Kanji. Editing the line to 'OpenConsole_0=Keyboard::Button_Kanji' allows one to open the console as normal, using the same button.

Important Note: Every command typed in the console will be invisible, however, you can see if it's active by typing bound keys (such as trying to move your character or open your inventory), which would normally not work in console mode. The fonts.erf patch from DA:O that was previously used to make the console visible does not appear to work in DA:II.

Once you've got everything set, press the assigned key to activate the console and type in the code followed by <enter> on your keyboard. The easiest code to check if it's working is runscript zz_upgrade, as this code will pop open the enchantment screen no matter where you are in the game.

Note: Use 'Z' instead if all other keys don't work.

General console commandsEdit

  • runscript healplayer ~ Heals the entire party
  • runscript injury remparty ~ Removes all injuries from party
  • runscript injury remall ~ removes all injuries from the selected party member
  • runscript addmoney X ~ Adds copper in the amount of X, i.e.; 10000 = 1 Gold piece
  • runscript killallhostiles ~ Destroys all enemies. Be careful here because this can break scripted encounters and can potentially block progress.
  • runscript addxp X ~ Adds experience in the amount of X
  • runscript pc_immortal ~ You will still lose health, but not die. Can be undone with runscript pc_immortal 0.
    • Warning: In some cases, this command does not work, for example, fighting against a companion during Night Terrors. It's good to be aware of when using this command to know whether you are on or off the message. When the message shows 'immortal: 1' shows that the command is enabled.
  • runscript cheat ~ Give all party members a white-glow effect with white dust spray out when you move, temporarily raises party's defence by a significant value, however, damage is still taken. (needs clarification)
  • runscript zz_upgrade ~ Opens the enchantment window
  • runscript zz_app_debug ~ Opens the Approval debug window to set Approval rates and Romance flags (this doesn't work for Sebastian, you must use his personal zz_seb_debug command)
  • runscript zz_supercrit player ~ Adds 1000 Stamina and Health, 50 Dexterity and Strength to Hawke. Note that this effect is irreversible.
    • This effect is irreversible, but the extra attribute points may be redistributed using the Maker's Sigh.
    • In certain versions this effect does not restrict loot from being picked up. The effect can also be repeated. Use Maker's Sigh then reenter code. Your character will have 50+ to strength and dexterity and you will have over 100 points to distribute
    • To achieve this effect with any companion, prefix the chosen companion's name with gen00fl_ in place of player. ex: runscript zz_supercrit gen00fl_anders
    • To achieve this effect with Tallis, the command is runscript zz_supercrit eye00fl_tallis
  • runscript dbg_setattrib [attrib] [value] - gives the selected party member a 180 sec. attribute buff / debuff, where [attrib] is a number from 1 to 6 (1=Str, 2=Dex, 3=Mag, 4=Cun, 5=Wil, 6=Con), and [value] is the amount by which you want to raise it. A negative [value] can be used to lower the attribute instead (i.e. -15).
  • runscript bowlingforferelden – This command surrounds you with a ball of energy and allows you to knock around nearly any NPC (party members included) like bowling pins. Be sure to save before you do this, as it may have unintended consequences (pushing NPCs into unreachable areas for example). Wears off after 50 seconds.
  • runscript zz_party - Retains current active party and adds Isabela, Anders and Aveline to your active party.
    • If your active party did not contain those three, then they will be added granting you six companions at a time. If one of them was in active party, the other two are added. Similarly, if two were already there, the last will be added. These added members remain after area transition (except Gamlen's house and Hawke's estate) and fight alongside you. Any of the added party members can be selected and controlled. Approval testing is required.
    • Warning! - Every time this command is used, all upgraded attribute points of Isabela, Anders and Aveline will be gone. Their attribute points will reset to their initial values from when you recruited them. All manually enabled abilities of Anders and Aveline will be retained, while Isabela's will be gone. Ability points gained so far will be available to reactivate lost abilities.
  • runscript zz_ave_debug - Aveline's debug (set approval, jump to dialogs, set plot flags)
  • runscript zz_and_debug - Anders' debug
  • runscript zz_bet_debug - Bethany's debug
  • runscript zz_car_debug - Carver's debug
  • runscript zz_fen_debug - Fenris' debug
  • runscript zz_isa_debug - Isabela's debug
  • runscript zz_mrl_debug - Merrill's debug
  • runscript zz_seb_debug - Sebastian's debug
  • runscript zz_vrc_debug - Varric's debug
  • runscript zz_otl_debug - Jump to char/plot for On the Loose.
  • runscript zz_dre_debug - Jump to plot debug for The Deep Roads Expedition.
  • runscript zz_lgt_debug - Light Content Debug - Debug for various side quests.
  • runscript zz_mer_debug - Debug for the Merchant quests
  • runscript zz_mag_debug - Debug for various main plot mage/templar quests
  • runscript zz_qun_debug - Debug for various main plot qunari quests
  • runscript zz_qcr_debug - Debug for the Qunari Crisis (Act II end plot and variables)
  • runscript zz_mcr_debug - Debug for the Mage Crisis (Act III end plot and variables)
  • runscript zz_per_debug - Debug for Hawke's personality/dialogue tone. Displays current tone and allows full reset.
  • runscript chargen warrior XX ~ Changes player to a level XX warrior
  • runscript chargen mage XX ~ Changes player to a level XX mage
  • runscript chargen rogue XX ~ Changes player to a level XX rogue
    • (Beware: Changing your characters class resets your characters appearance to the default.)
  • runscript zz_vault_debug - Savegame Import Debug Script
  • runscript zz_rdr_debug
  • runscript zz_rdr start goto daynight set get talk
  • runscript zz_rdr start 1
  • runscript zz_rdr start 2
  • runscript zz_rdr start 3
  • runscript zz_rdr goto tavern 1
  • runscript zz_rdr goto tavern 1 night
  • runscript zz_rdr goto docks 1
  • runscript zz_rdr goto docks 1 night
  • runscript zz_rdr goto warehouse
  • runscript zz_rdr goto keep 2
  • runscript zz_rdr goto keep 2 night
  • runscript zz_rdr goto tavern 2
  • runscript zz_rdr goto tavern 2 night
  • runscript zz_rdr goto docks 2
  • runscript zz_rdr goto docks 2 night
  • runscript zz_rdr goto ambush
  • runscript zz_rdr goto hideout
  • runscript zz_rdr goto stash
  • runscript zz_rdr goto finale
  • runscript zz_dae - a master script that allows modification of most every other debug script, provided the right variables are entered. At each level of the menu, the script will create a popup with the applicable variables for that level; i.e., 'runscript zz_dae' will tell you you can enter 'show' as a variable, and typing 'zz_dae show' will show you you can enter 'tone' as a variable, hence 'zz_dae show tone' will display your current personality. Similarly, 'zz_dae tone humorous' will add one point to your humorous tone counter.
    • Options
      • Hirecharacter - Replaces last character in the active party with character (Isabela, Fenris, etc.)
      • Firecharacter - Removes character from the active party.
      • Goto[Home Hitown Lotown Dock Keep Bar] (Act) [Day Night] - Teleport to specified map, as it appears in the specified act. May trigger cutscenes or quests (current quests don't seem to change). If you use this command to enter Hightown during Acts 2 or 3, Hawke's home may disappear. That is to say, Hightown will be as it is in Act 1. If this happens, simply leave Hightown using one of the 'normal' exits and select Hawke's home as your destination.
      • Daynight
      • Set(plot) (flag) (value) - Set plot flag to specified value (assuming)
      • Get(plot) (flag) -
      • Show[Act Area Tone Creature (tag)] - Displays specified information.
      • Tone[Diplomatic Humorous Aggressive] - Shows the current dominant tone (same for each option)
      • Talk[Nearest (tag) (name)] Initiates conversation with selected character. No idea what the options for tag are, or what they mean.
  • runscript zz_dae_debug ~ Modify your party, Act/Area/Plot jumps, and Map debugging
    • Edit Party - you edit your party members and even bring back your long lost sibling. This seems to work so far in Act 1 just make sure you always keep the original survivor in your party so you get the various dialog cues
  • runscript zz_drk_debug - Opens up debug wheel with teleport and quest stage options for the LegacyDLC
  • runscript zz_eye_debug - Opens up debug wheel with teleport and quest stage options for the Mark of the AssassinDLC

Companion debug commandsEdit

Codes below allow for approval to be added or removed, set Romance/Friendship/Rivalry Flags plus a few others.(The option to add/remove approval isn't currently working in Merrill's Debug Menu. However, using runscript zz_app_debug will allow you to edit her approval.)

  • runscript zz_and_debug : Anders
  • runscript zz_mrl_debug : Merrill
  • runscript zz_vrc_debug : Varric Tethras
  • runscript zz_ave_debug : Aveline Vallen
  • runscript zz_fen_debug : Fenris
  • runscript zz_isa_debug : Isabela
  • runscript zz_bet_debug : Bethany Hawke
  • runscript zz_car_debug : Carver Hawke
  • runscript zz_seb_debug : Sebastian Vael (Requires The Exiled Prince DLC.)

Approval Guide -

The debug menu gives only vague descriptions of the adjustments when editing approval, so it can be difficult to tell how much you are adjusting approval ratings. The numerical values for each approval adjustment are as follows:

  • Low: +5 friendship/rivalry
  • Medium: +10 friendship/rivalry
  • High: +15 friendship/rivalry
  • Friend: set approval rating to 50 friendship
  • Trusted: set approval rating to 100 friendship
  • Rival: set approval rating to 50 rivalry
  • Crisis: set approval rating to 100 rivalry

How to -

While using these commands you may have difficulty editing companion approval. The reason as to some of the difficulty behind the editing of these values is because you can only do one command at a time, attempting to do more than one at a time will result in only one companion's approval changing.


1. Open Debug Menu using any of the debug commands

2. Add/Subtract Approval/Change Romance to only one character

3. Choose only one command

4. Exit/Leave Menu

5. You'll see Approval added/subtracted (Romance will be invisible, but if you did it right it will work)

6. Repeat steps 1-4 for any other changes you want to make

Note: Approval modification will cease to have any effect once Friendship/Rivalry has been locked in.

Note: When changing romances to fix a bug, I suggest following romance guides because it could cause bugs in the cutscenes.

Savegame import debug script Edit

  • runscript zz_vault_debug opens the Savegame Import Debug Script, which allows you to display the 'current world state', i.e. the data that was imported from Dragon Age: Origins. Note that as of patch 1.01 several problems with the import function have not yet been fixed. Some events, e.g. romances, are either not imported properly or at least not displayed accurately (see the discussion on the bioware forums for further details and possible unofficial solutions).

Quest/companion fixes/workarounds Edit

Merrill's Companion Quest - Act 3 Edit

There's a bug that prevents Merrill's Quest from being obtained/completed. When Merrill is visited at her home, a cutscene immediately takes place. However, this is due to a bug/glitch and will prevent the player from getting her quest later on. The resolution is below.

  1. runscript zz_mrl_debug
  2. Select Main Quest
  3. Select Act 3
  4. Select 1 - Start Merrill Notify.

Merrill can now be contacted in her home, and quest can be obtained/completed. It is best to complete the quests 'A Talking To' and 'On The Loose' prior to using the console commands to stay with the chronology and avoid immediate termination of those quests.

Fools Rush In - Act 1 Edit

There is a common and frustrating bug where if you loot the letter from the mercenary's body in Fools Rush In, you will be unable to enter the Chantry to confront Hayder. It can be fixed in the following manner:

  1. runscript zz_isa_debug
  2. A menu will appear. Select Plot.
  3. Select Fools Rush In.
  4. Select Plot Point.
  5. Select Hayden Encounter.

You will skip some dialogue, but the quest will complete as normal.

Isabela's Companion Quest - Act 3 Edit

There is a relatively common bug where Isabela's quest cannot be received in Act 3 Hawke Estate. To fix this:

  1. runscript zz_isa_debug
  2. You should find yourself in a menu. Select Plot.
  3. Select No rest for the Wicked. Act 3.
  4. Select Jump to Plot Point.
  5. Select First Velasco Encounter.

This fix means that a couple of dialogues will be skipped, but quest can be obtained.

Aveline's Companion Quest - Act 3 Edit

There is a bug where Aveline's armor upgrade, Deflecting Joints Guardsman Pattern, can not be found on Jeven.Here is the workaround:

  1. Get AddItem-Mod from here: [1]
  2. Open console
  3. Type in 'runscript additem gen_im_cns_flu_aveline_04.uti'
  • Alternatively you can download an unofficial bug fix here
As of patch 1.02, BioWare lists this issue as fixed. However, if you have ever been to Act 3 prior to patching, the upgrade still WON'T drop. Playing from prior acts will make it work as intended.

Adding Items Edit

The Dragon Age 2 console has no built-in command to add items, but there is a mod that adds one. It can be found at the following location, along with installation instructions and a list of all items (though it does not have descriptions of the items):[2]


  • runscript additem [item] [value] ~ Where [item] is the item code and [value] is the amount of items to add. For example, type 'runscript additem fake_im_arm_hlm_hvy_champ.uti 20' to add 20 fake Champion's Armor (Warrior) helmets to your inventory.

There is a second mod that adds a 'Visual Add Item' command. It allows you to screen for words in names of items or parts of item codes, so it is very useful when you don't know the item code:[3]

Syntax for item name screening:

  • runscript vaddin [filter] ~ Where [filter] contains part of the name of the item you are searching for. For example, 'runscript vaddin champion' would yield a 'container' opening with all items containing the word 'Champion' in their title. (Such as Warplate of the Champion)

Syntax for item code screening:

  • runscript vaddi [filter] ~ Where [filter] contains part of the item code of the item you are searching for. For example, 'runscript vaddi level' would yield a 'container' opening with all items which have an item code containing the word 'level.' (Such as gen_im_cns_pot_level_01.uti (Maker's Sigh))