Controller Chaos Zombie Mode

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Another month another mod (?)

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Zombies - Chaos Story Trailer. The core mode’s difficulty can be tuned too, though this seemingly only affects enemy damage and player health. Each map throws. King of the Hill: (Coop Only, not yet available) Compete against one or more of your friends to see who can maintain control of the hill while fighting off hoards of zombies and enemy players! CHAOS Mode: Compete against your friends or the clock to see how many millions of points you can earn before the time runs out!

I’m glad to present to you the Zombie mod! Ready to create an apocalypse?

-How to become a Zombie?-
This time, the method doesn’t involve any new object. To receive the zombie curse you’ll have to interact with any sim’s grave, which will have a new interaction that is “Disrespect the dead” (For ghosts is “Mock the reaper”). Once you click on that, your sim will begin to mock the reaper’s job in front of the grave, if the reaper is on the current lot, they’ll be upset about it and will have the +5 angry “Someone mocked me!” buff which will last 5/6 hours. After they’re done, they’ll receive a +4 tense buff called “Disrespected the dead” (“Mocked the reaper” for ghosts) which will last 1 and half day. At this point, your fate is inevitable UNLESS you beg the reaper: To beg him, you have to interact with the grave again and select the “Beg the reaper” interaction. The outcome is dual, you’ll have a 50/50 chance to be saved, however even if he spares you from the curse, if you’ll receive it again you won’t be spared another time. After the buff reaches it’s ending, your sim will become a stinky brain-eating zombie.

-What features does a zombie have?-
First of all, when a sim becomes a zombie, they won’t feel any emotion (Although they will be shown on their face), instead they’ll have the “Zombified!” (+1000 asleep) buff. Also they cannot die! So the only way to get rid of a zombie is by deleting the sim/remove the zombie trait and the Zombified buff with cheats!
Let’s continue with the needs:
– The fun and social needs are completely gone;
– The Hunger need will be replaced with the Brains need, which can be replenished by (you guessed it) eating brains, when this need it’s too low, the zombie will run instead of walking and your energy will drop slightly faster. The buffs involving the brains need when it’s too low are “Braaaaiiinns…” (+2 angry) and “BRAAAAAIIIINNS!” (+50 angry);
– The Hygiene need will drop much faster, they’ll be stinky after a lil’ while. Zombies won’t care to take a shower or anything like that (also the buffs your sim would usually receive when they are dirty are gone, since they really don’t care about their hygiene).
Now, it’s time to answer the question “How do I feed my zombie sim”?
To feed a zombie, you’ll have to get your zombie brains. To have them you’ll have to attack a HUMAN sim, and you can do that by selecting the “Braaaaaaaiiiiiiinnnnnsss!!” interaction (You don’t have to meet the sim you want to attack to perform it) on them. (Note that it won’t be possible to attack children, toddlers, babies, ghosts, vampires nor the grim reaper) Once you do that, the zombie will go near the sim and bite them (everything will be covered in a black cloud). When they’re finished, the targeted sim will become a zombie, and there will be a fresh and delicious
brain on your zombie’s inventory.
And let’s finish by saying that Zombies won’t be able to learn anything.


-How do the sims react when they see a zombie?-
There will be two different reactions:
– Sims will receive the “HELP! A ZOMBIE!” (+8 tense) buff. Then they will try to stay away from it, and then they’ll freak out asking for help.
– Insane, Mean and Evil sims will receive the “HUH? A ZOMBIE?” (+8 confident) buff. Then they will laugh at the zombie. Some might get near it.
(They are the easiest prey to be honest.)
– Vampires, The grim reaper and ghosts will not have any visible reaction on the zombies, but they can’t be attacked, so this doesn’t advantage the player.

– The “Braaaaaaaiiiiiiinnnnnsss!!” attack interaction could be done distantly. I HIGHLY suggest you to let your prey finish their freak out reaction.
– Sims may get near instead of running away.
– Zombies may spawn as townies.

Things that I’m planning to add:
– The possibility to kill zombies.
– Autonomous “Braaaaaaaiiiiiiinnnnnsss!!” interaction.
– Decomposition system for zombies.

The objects used for this mod are:
Urnstone: B61DE6B4-00000000-0000000000003A96
Gravestone: B61DE6B4-00000000-0000000000025102
So any mod that has anything to do with these two objects may conflict, but I don’t know about that since I haven’t tested that.

Controller Chaos Reviews

A big thanks to:
– Icemunmun for the edible brain. Without her I wouldn’t have released this mod!
– SACRIFICIAL and Basemental to have helped me with animations
– PYXIS for her zombie skin and eyes!
NOTE: I added a transparency effect to the skin, so if you don’t find this skin between her uploads here’s the reason why!